Chapter 7

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Somewhere in the world, Robotnik and Knuckles stepped out of a portal on some random island and drones followed them out.

"The owl Faunus were fools to think they could hide this." Knuckles said, holding the compass

Robotnik pushed some buttons on his gloves and brushed some sand to the side, revealing an imprint in the ground that had a spot that could perfectly fit the compass. Knuckles puts the compass into the imprint and the ground began shifting around a little and gave of f a glowing green pattern.

"What's happening??" Knuckles questions as the green energy shot out a trail into the water

"Waiit for it....." Robotnik comments

Then, the water caves in at where the light stops and a green beam of light shoots up into the sky.

"YES!!!!" Robotnik shouts. "Eureka! I've found it!!!!!!"

Then, a pathway forms, showing a huge ancient temple. Meanwhile, back on Menagerie, Jaune and Ruby had Ironwood tied to a chair that way he wouldn't backstab them as Jaune and Ruby were checking on Miles and Sonic. Then, they could see the green beam of light shoot up into the sky.

"Sonic.....what is that?" Jaune questions

"A big problem." Sonic responds. "The compass led Robotnik to the emerald."

Ruby tried to get an estimate of distance and said, "It's gotta be thousands of miles away."

"Alright, huddle up. We need to figure out a plan." Jaune said. "Together."

"There's no time! I'm the only one that can get there fast enough." Sonic responds

The two look at Sonic as Ruby said, "Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself."

"You see that little fox Faunus boy over there? he came all the way across the planet to meet me, his hero. And what did I do??" Sonic comments. "I practically got him killed. You know what? you were right. My moment came but I blew it. I'm no hero."

"Sonic-" Jaune starts

"No, i'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me!" Sonic intercepts. "i'm gonna fix this while I still can!"

Sonic bolts off. That's when Miles woke up and tried to get up but fell right back to the ground.

"Hey, take it easy, little guy, you're hurt." Ruby comments

"We have to help him!" Miles responds. "You don't know what he's up against!"

They all looked at the beam of green light as there was rumbling. Then, they looked back at Ironwood.

"NOW do you believe Robotnik's back?" Jaune comments

Ironwood nodded a little.

In Green hills, Nora was taking a stop for some coffee, but when she peaked into the Mean bean Coffee Co. coffee shop, what she saw stunned her.

In the coffee shop, Stone was going through some various outfits under a 'World Domination' outfit list.

"Maybe try this one but with a hat...." Stone comments, selecting an outfit and putting on a  decent enough hat. "There."

Then, Nora burst the door open.

"FREEZE, POLICE!!!" Nora shouts

Stone jumped and put his hands in the air and spread his fingers out.

"What's with the light on your head???" Stone questions

Nora looked at the police light on her helmet, then back at Stone and said, "Cause i'm the sheriff for the weekend, pal."

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