Chapter 9: Robotnik's wrath begins

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Robotnik grabbed the Emerald of Power which caused a huge surge of energy that knocked back Knuckles and Sonic multiple feet.

"CHAOS! IS! POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Robotnik shouts as the emerald began filling him with all sorts of powerful energy

Then, with a bright flash of light, Robotnik was gone and the temple began crumbling and filling with water.

"Let's get out of here!!!" Sonic shouts

Before he could go anywhere, though, Knuckles began getting crushed by rubble, jsut barely keeping it from hurting him with brute strength and water began filling the temple more and more.

"KNUCKLES!!!!" Sonic shouts before seeing the water rising. "Water, again?!?!?!??? COME ON!!!"

Sonic then dove under and began trying to help Knuckles out from under the water, inhaling an air bubble to keep himself breathing. When Knuckles opened his eyes, Sonic gave hand gestures as a signal for when they both need to shove. When Knuckles got out, he began swimming for the surface. And when Sonic tried to, he remembered something. He can't swim!!

Then, he begans lowly fallign to the temple floor, drowning slowly. However, he woke up, coughing out water on the small secluded island, Knuckles being the one to save him.

"You saved me....."Sonic comments

"Don't talk to me." Knuckles responds, sitting down. "I'm not in the mood."

Sonic then hurled a couple mud balls at Knuckles.

"How DARE you attackk me in my hour of sorrow-??!??" knuckles starts before another mud ball was hurled at him

"Why did you save me??" Sonic asks before getting a mound of mud hurled at him

"Because YOU saved ME first which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand!" Knuckles responds

"it wasn't a tactic." Sonic responds. "I couldn't just let you die."

"Why though?" Knuckles asks. "I've been trying to destroy you ever since we met."

"Because...being a hero isn't about taking care of yoruself, it's about taking responsibility for other people." Sonic responded

Knuckles sat down and responds, "Wise words. An ancient Vale proverb?"

"No sir, that's an Arc-Rose family special." Sonic responded. "I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to me."

Then, the sound of a plane could be heard.

"Wait a second, what's that sound?" Sonic questioned, looking around

Then, he saw a plane up in the sky, piloted by Miles.

"There's Sonic. Only someone like him would need saving this much." Miles comments

"That sly little fox Faunus!" Sonic comments before looking at Knuckles. "Come on, Knucklehead. We aren't beat yet."

Knuckles sighed.

"In Atlas, you told me you lost everything. The way I did." Knuckles said. "But you seem so hopeful. And free. How did you move forward despite many failures?"

"Because I didn't do it all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too." Sonic says, holding a hand out. "You don't have to be alone, anymore."

Knuckles grabbed Sonic's hand to pull himself up to his feet.

"Owowowowowow!! Are you KIDDING me with that handshake?!?!???" Sonic yelped, Knuckles not realizing how much force he put into his grasp

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