chapter 6

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He opened his eyes and smiled at her. The effect on her body alarmed her. His smile should not affect her so easily.

"Good morning," he said. His hand on her waist moved up her rib cage to lie underneath her


"Did you sleep well?"

How strange for her to be having a conversation about her sleeping pattern with her boss? Wait a minute. She was in bed with her boss. That sort of thing mustn't happen. Shit. She wished her mother hadn't kept her in the dark about so many things. But then, the men did sleep with her mum all the time.

Shut up, Violet.

"Yes. I did."

"Good. I'm glad." Demon leaned over and kissed her on the lips. The merest brush of lips. Nothing overly or dominating.

"You keep doing that," she said.


"Kissing me. I'm your employee. You shouldn't kiss me." Her fingers traced the line of her lips.

"I like kissing you. Don't you like me kissing you?" His hand moved down her body and grasped her hip. She took a large breath trying to compose the shaking of her body. What was he doing to her? "Well? Do you like me kissing you?"

"Yes," she whispered not trusting herself to speak any louder.

He cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking the curve of her jaw. "You're so beautiful."

She liked his compliments. Licking her lips, Violet stared into his eyes. Their gazes held in a fight of wills. Who would look away first?

"You don't believe me when I say you're beautiful?" he asked.

Violet wouldn't turn away. "I don't know what to think. Beauty means so many things to so many people."

Demon chuckled. "Your eyes speak of so much knowledge. Of shit, you should never have witnessed it. Yet, you say stuff that has an air of innocence. You're a contradiction, Miss Moore." He kissed her again. "You've got secrets. I'm going to unlock them."

Her heart beat faster. No one could ever know about her past. Her mother had forbidden her to ever speak of her life. The day she killed herself was the day the old Violet ceased to exist.

"I've got no secrets. I'm just trying to make my way," she said. Her hand stopped him from moving down her face. The fear of being caught gave her the strength to stop him on his quest.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything," she said.

"You're scared of my touch." To prove his point, his hand went to her collarbone and traveled down to cup her boobs. Violet tried not to struggle under his touch. Tears formed in her eyes, and she bit her lip to stop calling out. His touch scared her, not because she was repulsed, but because of what it made her feel. She didn't understand what was going on with her body or how to control it. Demon Ashwood was a dangerous man, and she should be running in the opposite way to avoid him.

"I can feel your heart beating, Violet." She broke eye contact and stared down at his hand. His fingers were tilted as he brushed them along her boobs. The material of her gown pointed up as her nipple grew tight. Pleasure burst from the spot he was touching.

"S-stop," she said. He pulled his hand away.

"You're a bright young woman. I see you, and you're happy to hand out mail and serve coffee. I don't buy it. I've seen you glance at the artwork in the corridors when you think no one is looking. There is something about you, Violet. You want to see the world but are afraid to open up and fly."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She did. What scared her was how easily he could read her.

"I could show you everything." He grabbed her chin in a strong grip. Not tight with the intent to hurt. "One more taste."

Demon bent his head, and Violet couldn't stop him. His lips touched hers. This wasn't a brush of lips. This was something else. Possession of her mind, her body. Violet held onto him as he lips to her mouth. His tongue traced the curve of her lips before plunging inside. He tasted fresh and masculine. Moaning, she pressed closer. Demon moved his hands down her body to the straps of her gown. Violet didn't want to refuse. His kiss had caught her off guard. She loved the feel of being in his arms and having him take total control over her.

He moved down, kissing along her neck and down. Her fingers sank into the hair at the nape of his neck. A growl came out of his mouth. She watched as he moved over her, his lower body pressing between her thighs.

Violet froze. The length of his arousal pressed at her core.

"A man will say anything to get one thing. Keep yourself whole, Violet. Once you give it up, they'll treat you like trash."

"What's the matter?" Demon asked, coming off her.

She took in the scene with fresh eyes. Her gown was down to her waist. Her***s glistened from the wet heat of his mouth. Her legs were spread open, and he lay between them.

"I-I-I would like to get dressed now." She hated it when she mumbled. The sound made her appear childish even to herself.

"We're not doing anything wrong," he said. A frown marred his face. Licking her lips she turned away, dropping her hands from his hair.

"I-I know. B-but I think I should get ready for work." She closed her eyes as he placed the straps of her gown back up and over her boobs, thanking anyone for the fact he didn't ridicule her.

He got up from her body, and she blushed. His shaft between his legs was long, thick, and proud.

"Shouldn't you put some clothes on?" she asked.

"This is my house, and I'll wear what I like. Besides, I like your gaze on me." He stared at her for several minutes. Unable to concentrate on his cock presence she pushed away from the bed and went in search of her clothes. She found them and began dressing. Taking the brush she'd found last night, she stood in the mirror brushing her hair.

"Would your driver take me home? I need to change before work."

Demon moved and stood behind her. He wore a black business suit with a crisp white shirt and a tailored jacket.

"You're not going back there," he said to her reflection in the mirror.

"I have to. It's my home."

He took the brush out of her hands and began to brush her long length of hair. The action he used was smooth. "I told you last night I wouldn't let you go back to that house."

"But everything is there. My stuff."

"Give me your keys. I'll get my men to clean it out. I don't want you back in that street."

She turned around and took the brush out of his hands. "You don't know me. You can't just bombard my life like that."

"Can't I?" He folded his arms over his impressive muscles. "Violet, I hate to break this to you, but no one knows where you are."

"You won't hurt me."

"No, I won't, which is why you won't be returning to that place. Give me your keys. I'm taking care of you from here." He opened his hand, waiting.

"I'm twenty-one years old. I can take care of myself."

"Then do so, and understand what I'm offering you. Give me your keys. Don't make me take them from you."

Violet had never had another person be so protective of her. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she glanced down at the floor. Demon was so different from everyone she'd heard about.

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