chapter 10

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She shook her head. When she began to eat the food in front of her, Demon picked up his own fork and began to eat the delicious food. The steak was cooked to perfection, pink in the center, not bloody. The potatoes were soft and not mush. Anne truly was an amazing cook.

Violet took a few bites but put her fork down, going instead for the water. She placed a hand on her head and winced.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing. My head hurts. Nothing serious." She sipped her water and Demon left it. Her body showed she didn't starve herself. He wouldn't force the issue, but if she continued to pick at her food and showed signs of any weight loss, he'd have no choice but to force her to eat.

After dinner finished, he walked Violet up to shower and change.

"I need to go out tonight," he said in the doorway to the bathroom. "Don't get any ideas of sneaking out. Relax and rest, and I'll see you soon."

She went to close the door. He stopped her with his foot in the way.

"I won't leave. I promise."

He moved right next to her, then placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head back to look at him.

"I'll protect you, but you've got to trust me," he said. Her eyes widened seconds before he dropped his head. He kissed her lips. A small brush of skin against skin. Her boobs made him lose control. One hand banded around her waist as the other sank into her hair, holding her firmly against him as he deepened the kiss. His tongue sought entry between her lips. Her hands wrapped around him, slightly at first, changing into more of a demand as he consumed her lips.

Her heavy breast pressed against his chest. Demon wanted to rip the clothes from her body and press her hard and fast. Her scent was becoming like a drug to him. From one little taste, he wanted more. He wanted to possess her, love her, take care of her, do everything in his power to put a smile on her face, and show her how much he wanted her.

The kiss changed, and she became frantic beneath him.

Not wanting to scare her, he pulled away, kissing the tip of her nose.

"There is nothing I'd like more than to fuck you right now. I know you're not ready, but I can wait."

"What if I'm never ready?" she said.

"You'll be ready."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're soaking wet, and no matter how hard you fight it, you want me as badly as I want you."

He kissed her nose again and left her standing there.

Demon got in his car and drove. His cock ached with the need to sink himself between her creamy thighs. Running a hand over his face, he turned left and continued down the road.

The club was exclusive and cut off from most towns and cities. The club looked like a distant castle but was owned by one of the wealthiest men in the city, Stephen Knox. The Knox men had passed the club down to the oldest son for generations, and only the most elite had any chance of getting in.

Stephen didn't live in the house, but it was a place of relaxation and business.

The gates were locked as they always were. He removed the card from his wallet and pressed it into the scanner, along with his individual, twelve-digit number. The gates opened. He drove down the long driveway. Trees obscured the view from the main road. The parking was full, and he knew there would be many couples inside. He reserved one parking space next to Stephen. As an exclusive member, he got the perks that came with the cost. Buttoning up his suit jacket, he checked his phone before making his way inside. The butler waited inside. He was one of the few people with enough credentials that allowed them to work here.

"Good evening, Mr. Ashwood. May I take your coat?" he asked.

"No, thank you."

"Mr. Knox is in the bar room."

Demon nodded his head. Moving out of the main hall, he noticed many of the couples and greeted a few of them when he moved to the back of the house where the bar stool was. The room was filled with smoke, and the gentle sound of music echoed off the walls. A woman stood on stage singing. Stephen sat alone in a booth near the stage.

"It's not like you to be drinking alone," Demon said as he signaled the barman. He took the seat opposite his friend.

"I've got a lot on my mind. Besides, these men pay for the privilege, but I don't think they get the meaning of the club," Stephen said as he knocked back his scotch.

"What makes you think that?"

"Do any of the men here strike you as possessive? I remember my father telling me the reasons why this place was set up. These men don't care about finding that one woman that sets your pulse racing and the fire in your blood. They just want to pay for the opportunity to think they have what it takes to be a real man." Stephen held up his glass. A woman came by and refilled his glass. She handed Demon another with a smile.

"If you're so bothered about it, why do you let them join?" Demon thanked the woman before turning back to his friend.

"Because they appear to like it."

"Have you ever thought that they have the need inside them, just not the woman?"

"Let us talk about other things, Demon. What brings you back here? It has been a while."

"I've found the right woman," Demon said.

"Ah. Finally, lucky in love. Where is she?" Stephen asked.

"I left her at home. She doesn't know how I feel, and she's a lot younger than I."

The song changed, and the woman began singing a deeper love song. Demon thought of Violet, the innocent with a dark past surrounding her.

"Dare I ask how much younger than you she is?"

"She's twenty-one." He didn't care about the age gap. With the way he felt about her there was no way he could even consider allowing the gap between their ages to affect him.

"That is young."

After the music became a little dull, they moved out of the room into the vision room. Stephen liked to cater to as many tastes as possible. Some men got off on seeing others watch their women as pleasure took over. In the middle, a man whom Demon didn't know was satisfying a woman for others to see. Some men in the room had their***s out and were fisting their large shafts, while others merely watched.

Stephen went through phases where he didn't truly believe men could feel possessive of a woman. Not being with a woman himself, the owner sometimes had a hard time relating to the men who did. Demon understood it. He'd known for a long time that he was different from other men. The need inside him when he thought about the one always brought a physical ache. When his father discussed it with him, he hadn't thought it was possible. Until Violet came to work in his office building he'd never felt such a need before. Yes, he'd had many women and to certain extents, many relationships, but none had ever made him feel like this. When another man talked to Violet, the violence within him struck hard. No man besides him should be allowed to touch or talk to her.

The woman's cries of release blanketed the room. Some men growled as their release came, and others murmured appreciation.

"I understand your thoughts, but you must understand. Most of these men have wives and girlfriends and know how it feels to be possessive. Your father felt it with your mother."

"Do you feel it with your girl?" asked Stephen.


"I'm sorry. It has been a long day." They watched the couple as the husband penetrated the wife. The cries rang out. Demon thought of Violet, alone in his bed. Another night of having her in his arms.

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