Chapter 5

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"I want you to do some digging for me."

"Give me the name, age, and sex and I'll get it done," Tate said.

"Violet Moore, twenty-one and female."

"Any middle names? Anything else to go on?"

"She has no living family."

"Demon, do you think this girl wants to stay gone for a reason?"

Demon drank down his second shot. "I don't think anything. I want to know more about her."

"Consider it done."

The call ended, and Demon placed the receiver down. He knew he should call Rebecca, but he didn't want to disturb her yet. Tate and Kevin always unnerved her.

He imagined he was worrying for nothing. Violet was just an innocent girl and not used to being around men.

"Is there anything else, sir?" Anne asked after she knocked on his office door.

"No. You may leave for the night." He waited, knowing she had something to say. "Say what you've got to say."

"She's young. You should be careful with her. She's not like your other women."

"How do you know about my other women?" he asked.

"I've seen the way you are with her. Be careful. If you squeeze too tight you may lose her forever."

"Save the dramatic words for someone else. I know what to do with a woman." Demon turned.

Anne bowed her head and left the room. She'd served the Ashwood house ever since he was a boy and his dad had been in control. A possessive instinct had been passed through generations from father to son. When they found the woman they wanted to spend the rest of their life with, they refused to let them go, instead of taking over and making them dependant on them and them alone.

His possessiveness rose every time Violet entered the room. He had to hold onto himself to stop himself from having her. She was young, and he was forty years old. In his head, he knew he should let her go and live her life. To be in the background, waiting until she came back. His heart refused to let her go. Violet was his woman, and he wouldn't ever let her leave him.

Closing down his computer and shutting out the light he made his way up to his bedroom. One of the light shades was still on, and he saw her lying in his bed. Her hair splayed out on the pillow, the strands still wet from her bath. Demon stood next to the bed and gazed down at her. The blanket had slipped down her body, the peach, silk nightgown showing through. She wouldn't have known the gown was made to be transparent. He saw the mounds of her boobs peeking over the edge of the bodice. He saw her nipples, dark red and tight budding against the gown. What would happen if he leaned over and pulled the straps and bodice down, exposing her chest for him to see?

He moved away from temptation and began to undress. Demon didn't bother with a bath and took a quick shower. His cock, rock hard at the vision of her in his bed, threatened to destroy him. No woman should look so fine and beautiful. He grasped his shaft and palmed up and down the long length of his arousal. The release would be welcome as he didn't want to startle her when he joined her in the bed.

In his mind's eye, he saw her laid out on the bed. He stripped away from her peach gown and thought about her large***.

With his free hand, he moved to the wall above. The spray of the water glided down his body.

Thinking about her pussy had become mental torture to him and one he hoped to rectify in the coming weeks. Having her alone for as long as he wished, Demon hoped to get her to open up to him. To tell him her secrets and let him care and love her.

Demon would give her the world.

His hand increased speed with every thrust. Seeing her on the bed drove him insane with longing. He thought about her waking up and smiling at him as he joined her. Touching her body and showing her the love he was capable of giving. His seed erupted from the tip and sprayed the wall of the shower stall. Gasping for breath, he continued to*** his fist until every last drop escaped and he was left sated.

The water from the shower cleaned away the mess he'd made. He shut the water off, grabbed the towel she'd used, and wrapped it around his body. A second towel dried off his hair and***. Walking into the room, he saw Violet was still asleep, but she was plagued with bad dreams. She winced and trembled.

Discarding the towels, he lifted the covers, shut off the light, and joined her. Demon wrapped his arms around her and brought her close.

She woke instantly to his presence. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice groggy and filled with sleep.

"This is my bed, sweetheart. You're having a bad dream. Lie down and rest." He laid her head on his chest and held her as she drifted off to sleep.

At first, he felt her struggle to pull away. He held her and refused to let her go. As the night wore on, her body relaxed, and soon she was asleep.

Demon closed his eyes and let the thrill of having her in his arms soothe him. She would be his if it was the last thing he did.

"Where is she?" Dominic asked, slapping the woman at his feet away from him.

"We don't know where she could have got to, sir. No one knows what she looks like or where she could have moved to. With no name or other details we can't find her," one of his minions said.

Dominic didn't like failure. He wanted results, and he wanted them fast. His business relied on him to be the best he could be and to get the products distributed in the best possible condition as soon as possible.

"She's a little girl, and I want her. People will pay a pretty penny for her. I want her. For the past three years, you've failed me." Taking out his gun, Dominic shot the man who'd come back to his house with the same stupid answers. No one has seen her. No one knows where she is. There are more women out there.

"Does anyone else what to follow this shit-head?" he asked the other men surrounding him. No one stood up.

Picking up the picture he'd found in Valerie Walter's house. The stupid whore had kept her daughter in the dark from him. She knew he was looking for young girls. Stupid***ing cunt. They should know never to think for themselves. They were good for one thing, for***ing and bringing him money. When one whore died, ten more stood in her place. Valerie had been a good earner. She knew what the men wanted. Finding the picture of her daughter had been a treasure he couldn't deny, but locating the girl was becoming more trouble than he liked. Maybe when he got here, he'd give the little slut a test drive.

"Now, I want you to leave here and get in touch with our contacts in the police force. Push a little money. I don't give a shit. I want this girl found."

His men left in a hurry. They knew better than to*** with him. Dominic Green, human trafficker, drug pusher, and all-around bad-ass. No one messed with him. Least of all women. He glanced at the woman curled up in a ball. Smiling, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into his bedroom.

The girl would be his.

Violet stretched, coming awake and opening her eyes. She frowned. The bed wasn't hers, and she didn't recognize the room. She became aware of the other presence in the bed and turned to see Demon fast asleep beside her, one arm flung over her waist and one leg covering both of hers.

She'd never slept in a bed with a man before. Lying as still as possible, she looked at the man she worked for. In sleep, he appeared so peaceful, unlike when he was awake. Demon Ashwood was a force to be reckoned with. She'd witnessed grown men become terrified at the prospect of doing business with him.

so I'm using a grammar correction app and it just put on stars on  the main words lol, so I will try to edit hope you all understand

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