chapter 12

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Demon pressed against her back, pinning her in between his hard body and the door. He pressed against her neck, and she heard him inhale. Was he sniffing her?

"Please. Put some clothes on."

"Turn around," he said instead of listening to her.

"I don't want to."

He grabbed her arm and turned her before pressing her back against the hard door. Demon stared at her. She shut her eyes to try and blank him out. When she looked at him it was harder to ignore the demand on her body.

Moaning in frustration, Violet opened her eyes. Demon didn't say a word. He grabbed her hand and brought it down between them. Using her hand, he guided her down to his dick.

"It's nothing to be afraid of. Like your body, this is mine. You've never seen a necked man before, have you?" he said.

Tears shone in her eyes. She felt cornered. There was no escape not even from her curiosity. While she wanted to pull her hand away and scream at him for being rude, another part of her wanted to explore what she held in her hand.

She shook her head, taking a deep breath.

"Look now," he said. Demon stepped away, giving her a full-frontal view of his body. She pulled her hand away and stared.

He was large for a man. Not that she had anything to compare it to. His muscles caught her attention first. With the thick expanse of his arms, he didn't look like the conventional type of businessman.

She tried to pull her hand away, but he held her firm.

"Open your eyes." She kept them closed. His hand touched her cheek, his fingers running over her face. "Please," he whispered.

"I work out," he said. "I've got a gym and lift weights. I'll let you watch some time."

His chest and stomach were both broad. Then her eyes stopped on his shaft. He stood long and thick.

"Take your nightdress off," he said.

"What?" She stopped looking at his body and stared at his face in shock. Her hands folded across her chest as he stepped back close to her.

"Your hungry little eyes are staring at me. I think it's only fair I get a chance to look at you as well."

His hands reached out to her, and she batted them away.

"I don't want you to look at me."

"I want to look at what's mine," he said.

A shiver went up to her spine at his words. "But you're not mine."

Demon grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest again. "Feel that. That's yours. I'm yours, Violet."

She stared into his eyes and saw the determination in his eyes. Her pulse fluttered in her throat. His hands began pulling her gown up. When he reached her stomach, she stopped him, covering his hands with her own.

"I'm not ready for this," she said, not sure if she even meant the words she'd spoken.

"Trust me, Violet. I've never hurt you before."

Biting her lip she stared at him. She fought between the desire to give herself to him and the warnings her mother had given her about men. That man only ever wanted one thing. What would happen to her when Demon finally tired of her?

The fight left her. She lifted her arms over her head and closed her eyes as the gown went up and left her body.

His finger touched her hands above her head, the fingers locking. Her ass was pressed against a hard masculine cock. "Open your eyes, baby." His voice reeled her in. Violet opened her eyes. He stood so close staring down at her.

Her hands were locked above her head, and his fingers interlocked with her own. "Do you feel that?" he asked.

Did he mean the pull? The way she felt drawn to him like a moth to a flame?

"You want to be with me, Violet. I can feel it. You're afraid, and I understand it. You've never been with a man, and you're scared of what that might mean."

How did he know all of these things?

"I want to get to know you. I want to see you smile and be the cause of your smile. To hear you laugh and to know it's real."

"How can you want all this when you don't even know me?" she asked.

"Because I know. I feel it, and I don't question that."

Before she could argue with him anymore, he slammed his lips down on hers. Stunned, Violet didn't respond straight away. Demon had a tendency to take her by surprise in everything he did. He pressed against her. She felt the hard length of his dick as it pushed against her stomach. His fingers tightened their hold on her.

"Kiss me back, Tesoro,"( <means treasure in italin>) he whispered against her lips. She stared at his eyes. A breath away from her. She was struck through. The intense way he looked at her caused her to pause. There was nothing friendly or sweet, just a look of absolute desire and lust. No one had stared at her in such a way. "Please, let me in."

She relented, needing the kiss and closeness as much as he did. At twenty-one years old she had no clue what lust or desire was. Opening her lips, she pressed against him, giving herself to the rapture of his touch.

"That's it. Give me everything," he said.

His hands moved to her wrists. Capturing them and trapping her against the door, his hands became like a pair of cuffs keeping her in place while his leg pressed between her thighs. He rubbed his leg up against her mound. She whimpered and moaned, crying out as he nipped and kissed her senselessly.

No way could something this pleasurable be wrong.

"Open up. Let me taste you, Tesoro."  His tongue swiped inside, meeting hers. Creating a dance together. Their ass mingled in the air.

The hands on her wrists moved down her arms to her shoulders. One hand stayed on her face while the other traveled down, brushing across her pussy. She cried out as pleasure shot straight to her core. He grabbed her thigh and brought it up over his hip, opening her to him. Demon pulled back to look at her with her hands above her head.

He continued to stare at her as his hand moved between them. His fingers touched her pussy.

"I'm going to touch you and make you feel good."

"I don't know what to do," she said.

"Trust me."

Demon saw the conflict in her eyes. Trusting someone didn't come easily to her. She fought everything until he felt her relax against him. The fight she'd undergone made him aware of what he was doing. He had her pinned against the door. She deserved something better. Time to have her body worshipped. Not a quick fuck against a bedroom door. In the time it could be worth it, but not tonight.

He wanted her to trust him. To give him everything she had. Lifting her up in his arms, he swung her around, delighting in the giggle she released. The first true sound of laughter he'd heard from her.

Taking her to the bed, he pulled back to look down at her. She truly was a beautiful woman with a full thick ass and gloriously large boobs. Any man would be putty in her hand. Over the years he'd had his share of women. None of them compared to her. She held innocence and sensuality within her grasp, and she didn't even know how to use them. He wanted to share everything with her. To give her a chance to be happy.

"Do you think I'm fat?" she asked.

"No. Never."

"You keep staring."

"Because you take my breath away." He cupped her boobs in his hand. The mound was so large it spilled out of his hand.

"I don't think we should be doing this," she said again.

Demon knew he should give her time to adjust to his presence, but he couldn't do it. Giving her the time to see his faults could mean he would lose her. Some women would hate his domination. He hoped to make it part of their life, to show her how good it could be between them.

{so Demon loves her or she is just a possession

what are your thoughts on this?}

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