Chapter- 18

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A/N: If you think- "Apple had written this chapter days ago, but I bet she still didn't edit before posting."—  then you are right! Congratulations! I will come back to edit this chapter later :)

The guard stopped dead in his tracks before turning around. Lea as well turned her head to see the silhouette of a tall man standing at little distance from them.

The lantern which Lea was carrying shortly before now laid on the floor, still lit. It had rolled away, stopping near the tip of the man's polished brown shoes.

Under its balmy glow, his crisp black pant was visible. It was secured fast around his waist with a black belt, the silver buckle shining in the yellow light. Above it, with its hems tucked in, a blue satin shirt clad his chest. The light slowly failed in its purpose, however, by the time it reached his neck. From there and above, his features were shrouded in darkness. Yet, his eyes. Dark red eyes. They were like two rubies in the dark waters of the night.

A pure-blooded vampire.

Head slightly tilted to the side, dark red eyes studied the scene unfolding in front of him curiously.

Lea saw his one hand move out of his pocket. Running his fingers through his hair, he repeated his question."Who is getting dragged into a legal trouble?"

Lea studied him carefully, in attempts of locating the reason behind the uncanny feeling of a blurred sense of recognition.

"Your Grace." The guard beside her bowed and Lea followed the cue to do so.

"Neither the time, nor the place to be engaged in a lover's quarrel," he spoke gently, his voice soothing. She could not see him but she felt the tease of his smile from his lingering words.

She and the guard turned red.

"Or is it sibling's bickering?" He raised a hand. "Then I must apologize first for assuming otherwise and shall lead you to your mother for some disciplining."

The man bent down to pick up the lantern, not bothering to hear their answer. The light finally reached his face as he rose and extended his hand for Lea to take the lantern.

The darkness that engulfed his features subsided. A pale, well- built man greeted Lea's sight. His hair, black as moonless midnight sky, parted to the side, gently tickled the top of his earlobes. An equally soft smile rested on his lips.

The sense of recognition flared up in Lea again.

Taking the lantern in her hand, she bowed as best as she could with one of her arm still in the guard's death grip. She muttered, "Thank you, Your Grace."

The man nodded.

She started again without missing a beat, "Your Grace, we are not siblings—"

"She was running amok in the hallways in the dead of the night." The guard beside her cut her off.

"I was not." Lea looked at him sharply. "I was walking— dawdling, in fact."

She tried tugging her forearm out of the guard's paws again, receiving a painful squeeze. She clenched her teeth and heaved out a sigh.

"You may unhand her, soldier," the pure-blooded vampire spoke calmly. His gaze shifted to Lea as he continued, "And you must not be roaming in the hallways so late."

Should I let it go? Or should I embarrass myself and tell him why I was here in the first place?

She bit her lip. The mansion had been a site of deaths and despairs for the past few days. Especially since they arrived.

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