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After a busy day at the HQ, the team all gathered for dinner at a restaurant called 'the palm' . it had been the 2nd dinner the team had together.

fleur took a seat at the left end side of the table and scarlett took a seat beside her which made her shift. they had 2 tables put together since they were currently 15.

"which one are you getting" scarlett whispered to fleur "um im not sure.. you?" "probably rib eye steak" "oh oh i want a filet mignon and a salad" "salad? you ar-" "so scarlett how are we feeling about launching next week?!" kate smiles as she's sat across scarlett "excited yeah thank you all for the hard work!!" scarlett leans towards the table to face everyone with a smile

the waiter then arrives and rakes everyone's orders "um i'll have a filet mignon, caesar salad and a cocktail please" fleur smiles looking up from the menu "god fleur you better be a strong drinker for vodka on the rocks" lily, one of the editors says to fleur making her smile.

everyone was catching up with their lives and it was like your usual family gatherings. it did feel like family, though fleur didn't pay much mind to her feelings, she really felt comfortable with everyone.

it had been two hours and everyone was slowly leaving, some were staying for more drinks, and others were just there for the heck of it.. i mean.. dinner with scarlett johansson? not every time.

"h-hey im going-goin home yeah this was funnnn good night" fleur slurred on her words, smiling as she grabbed her bag and started to make her way to the door.  probably because of the 7 cocktails she had downed. scarlett could see the bloodshot eyes fleur had under the dark contrasted light. "yeah im going to go too.. good night everyone see you wednesday" she hugged the 5 remaining people before putting her mask back on.

"fleur! wait!" scarlett slung her coat around her arm rushing to stop the clearly drunken women from driving.

her heels clicked as she walked on the cement knocking on a black gle mercedes benz car when she saw fleur with her head on the steering wheel
"fleur?" she knocked again "mhm?" fleur said without lifting her head "darling you can't drive home.. you're wasted." "no-no i can do it see i can um" fleur shook her head turning on the car ac "see!" fleur smiled drunkenly

"please let me drive.. i don't want someone bad to happen to you" "a-okay!" fleur stumbled out of the car as scarlett caught her "okay come here" fleur leaned on scarlett as she helped her to the passenger seat

scarlett sighed as she shut the drivers seat door. she turned the engine on and started to drive "where to?" she turned to fleur who lowered the seat and shut her eyes. "apartment near the coffee shop we bumped into... the big grey one with dark blue roof" "rutherford?" "yes!" fleur exclaimed making scarlett smile

"im sorry" fleur mumbled halfway through out the drive "what for?" "im-im wasted, i swear i dont drink much it was just now" fleur hid her face with her hair "you don't have to apologize-" "no no i do!!! because- cause you-you have a family waiting for you and i am- im here drunk an-and can't say a damn-damn full sentence without stuttering!"

"okay fleur calm down, it's okay alright? it was my choice to drive you home because.. i dont want you to get hurt" "you shouldn't worry about me.. we just met" fleur mumbled with her eyes closed "maybe but i do.. will you remember this when you wake up..?" "i hope so" fleur shifts in her seat "here we are" scarlett whispered unbuckling her seatbelt

"fleur..?" she carefully moved fleur's hair out of the way and saw her with her eyes shut
"fleur i know im not the black widow and you're light but i dont wanna break my back" she shook fleur gently "im up im up" fleur said and scarlett quickly retracted her hand

fleur situated herself and tied her hair up. "alright.. book ca-" "no, take the car.. or call your husband. you shouldnt take a cab this late scarlett" fleur said rubbing her eyes "right.. i'm just going to.." scarlett referred to her phone and fleur nodded keeping her mouth shut "hey babe could you pick me up?.. yeah im um at a friend's apartment and dropped them off.. yeah fleur..." scarlett turned to fleur who smiled apologetically ".. thanks alright i'll send the address.. thank you love you bye" fleur heard the beep and sighed

"im sorry" "fleur i said not to apologize" "sorry" she mumbled and scarlett sighed slouching on the seat

"you can go up" scarlett turned to fleur "no im not leaving you here" "what really is your favorite coffee?" scarlett said out of nowhere "huh" fleur said turning to scarlett as she was still laying down on the reclined seat

"i like iced caramel macchiato!" "you really weren't kidding??" scarlett laughed "what! it's good?!"

"maybe i should try it" scarlett said under her breath "well see! you're judging my drink and you haven't even tried it" "okay im sorry im sorry" scarlett laughed and then a light blinded fleur that caused her to cover her eyes with her hands

"that's colin" scarlett grabbed her purse and unbuckled fleur's seatbelt "can you stand?" "mhm" fleur said a bit wobbly but made stood up

"here's the keys" scarlett handed it to fleur with a hug "thank you" fleur said "anytime"

colin then stepped out of the car and smiled greeting scarlett with a quick kiss before turning to fleur with his hand out "colin jost" he smiled "fleur sc-scott" she smiled shaking his hand

"where's rose?" scarlett asked colin "at the back, she's out sleeping"  and scarlett smiled gratefully

"um thank you.. both of you" fleur said "it's alright it happens to all of us" colin laughs "yeah um yeah have a good night" fleur took a step back "goodnight" the colin and scarlett both said getting into the car and fleur tried her best to walk straightly to the elevator.

she eventually made it up to her apartment and took a half shower, still afraid of the virus, and changed.


"did you guys have a good time??" colin asked driving "yeah, it was fun but tiring" scarlett laughed with a raspy kind before turning around tk see a sleeping rose making her smile  "Fleur.." scarlett turned to him as he started off "..she seems nice" "yeah, she is." scarlett smiled again  fiddling with her necklace
"she's kind of awkward and shy but i think under that she's really great" scarlett adds on

"mhm.. you can lay down and rest" colin says brushing his fingers against scarlett's hair as she reclined the chair like fleur earlier.

as they reached their home street, scarlett wondered if fleur had got up safely... for all she could know she passed out somewhere

scarlett 🤍

Did you get up safe?

how bout you? you guyz home?

scarlett 🤍
Pulling up to the driveway.
You should be resting, it's late!

alrighty goodntight hugsz

Good night Fleur 🤍

scarlett laughed at the slurring and messily typed messages but got up from the chair and got rose before going inside the house.

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