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I think I'll be stopping labeling chapters :D
Btw enjoy!



Dream was slain by D∷ᒷᔑᒲ XD using A ∴╎ᓭ⍑

The death message was seen from the members all over the SMP. Some were shocked,confused,and sad.

Shocked because the Admin of the server was dead.
Confused because some of them didn't know the language written on the death message.
And sad because the Admin known as their Friend is now dead.
An eighteen years old young god saw the message then looked at his communicator with wide eyes.

'Why did XD do that....?!' The young god thought,he didn't notice that tears started to form in his eyes.

"Tubbs,why are crying?"The chil-Err....Tommy asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"O-oh.... i-it's nothing....."He cursed under his breath for stuttering "Btw,why are you here Tommy?"

"Oh,Techno told me you understand different Uhm......would you translate the death message for me?"

"Oh uh....Sure?It says Dream was slain by Dream XD using a wish"

Tommy stood there in shock.
'Wish?Did Dream wished to die?'The young blond asked in his mind.

"B-but I think the communicators are broken"The older brunette said making Tommy confused on why he said that.

"HUH?Broken?Why would the communicators be broken?"The chil-I mean Tommy (*cough**cough*) said confused.

Silence then hit the sorroundings of the two. Only birds and the animals around the Snow biome can be heard. A minute later the older brunette decided to break the silence.

" would I say this.....Dream XD would never do that to Dream......"

Why wouldn't the god kill Dream? Beacause they have the same name?Or maybe Dream is the admin of this server?
Well no one knows,even the author and the readers doesn't even know why.

"I-Why?Why wouldn't they,besides he (Dream) deserved it"Tommy asked again whispering the last part,but Tubbo heard it.

"Tommy even he's a monster or Tyrant or whatever you all call him,he doesn't deserve death. No nobody does deserve it."That made Tommy think what the older said to him. And he's right,nobody does deserve death...

"Tommy,can you tell everyone to please come to the community house...I want to discuss something."

"Everyone?Even the new members?"

"Yeah...Even the new members..."

The blond was standing in a void. All you can see is black,pure black.


No light can be seen in the dark void.

The blond then smiled sadly.

He finally did it.

He's finally dead.

He can finally rest in peace.

No more war.

No more fighting.

He can finally have peace.

"Hello Daydream" the blond looked where the voice was comming from.
He then saw a tall figure next to a small figure. Smaller than him,about the same height as Lani.

Sorry but this has to end here.
Wattpad is being bish.
Why?It won't want me to save the story so I've decided to publish this.

Why?It won't want me to save the story so I've decided to publish this

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Hope you guys understand...

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