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Hello again my Dreamlings
My apologies for not updating I'm busy with some alot of school works.
I hope you enjoy this chapter!<3


"Hello Daydream"

Dream looked behind him only to see his older brother with a small girl beside him.

The girl has long brown hair, Sapphire blue and purple eyes,has a slightly pale skin,and wearing similar to what goddesses's apprentices wear,only it is black.

The girl has long brown hair, Sapphire blue and purple eyes,has a slightly pale skin,and wearing similar to what goddesses's apprentices wear,only it is black

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That's what she looks like↑
(I made her in picrew)

That's what she looks like↑(I made her in picrew)

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What she's wearing
(I found it on Google)

"XD?!I thought I already died?!"The blond exlaimed with a hint of confusion and annoyance in his voice. The girl just kept quiet knowing that the two brothers will fight sooner or later.

The god just staired at his younger brother only to make Dream more annoyed.
The silence between the three ended when the girl spoke up.

"You are dead"The girl simply said to the older blond.

"Then what are you two doing here then? I'm already dead aren't I?This is the limbo,right?"The blond answered.

Once again silence filled the never ending void. The silence is too much to be honest. Dream looked at the two figures infront of him, 'Why are they so silent?' the blond thought as he continued to stare at the two.

Again,no one dares to break the silence,Dream starts playing with his hands while waiting for the two to answer the question and finally they finally spoke.

"We're just here to give you a second chance,yes you are dead,and no this place isn't the limbo. Is that answer your questions?"the girl once again said.

"Just like Dabria said, we're here to give you a second chance" The older god simply said.

The blond then looked at the girl named Dabria. He looked a little like Lucid.

"And what do you mean by second chance?"The blond once again asked. Switching his gaze into the older god.

"Why don't you tell him Dabria" The god asked the younger brunette,she looked at the god beside him then nodded,she then switch her gazed to the blond. She looked so calm like this was normal to her.

She then cleared her throat before she spoke in a calm voice. "Lady Death and Lord XD decided to give you a second chance to change your wrong doings in the past,which means we'll be sending your soul to your past body so you'll be changing your past and present"

The blond looked at them in wide eyes."I-Wha-Why?!" the brunette child just shrugged allowing XD to talk to his younger brother about the 'changing the past'.

The brunette child listened to two's conversation or should I call it arguing.


The community house is full of people from the DSMP,even the new comers(Is that how you spell it?) were there.

"So you all might be wondering why I called a meeting,well we'll be discussing about the admin known as Dream" the brunette eighteen year old calmly said to the group of people infront of him as if everything is gonna be ok.

A brunette with a british accent spoke in the crowd infront of the boy.

The brunette with a british accent wears a blue hoodie on,dark blue tight jeans and a clout goggles that rested on his head.

"And why would we want to talk about that monster!"The younger brunette glared at the british brunette in the crowd. Everyone noticed it except for the british brunette.

"Shut up George! Don't tell me you didn't know?!"

"What is that I didn't know?'

"Really George?! Dream's f*cking dead!!"


Finally finished with the chapter!!
Sorry to leave you guys in a
Always remember that I love you and support you no matter what.

Have good day/night.


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