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Aah....i groaned before switch off my alarm. Its still 7 am only. Yet i wake up now. Even though i don't like to get up but i need to get ready. Because first i am hungry second lately i have doc appointment.

I signed and went to freshen up. While dress up i look myself more like look at my portraying stomach.

Mmm....just few months my baby will here with me.

'Don't worry peanut. I won't allow anyone hurt you just like others hurted me. I will surely protect and we will live happyly. I promise.'

I caress my stomach where my baby is before dressing myself. Then I come out from room to have breakfast.

Actually i don't want to go there. Because I knew they both are already there and i don't want to see their disgusting face earlier morning like this. But what can i do.... i am really hungry. Because of my hate towards them i can't make my baby starving . So I walk towards kitchen direction where two shameless creatures are having their breakfast.

I singned before i enter the dinning area. Like i gussesd they are there. I can heard their disgusting laughing from dinning table. When i heard their carefree laugh i feels angry and at the same time pang in my heart.

When wayo see my presence he intensely kissed my so called boyfriend phana who is actually wayo boyfriend since starting. Both are kissing like there is no tommorrow. When i heard wayo moan i felt disgust. And i intensely clear my throat. I knew both are shameless but i am tired of wayo shameless act .

I felt relived when i saw phana break the kiss and start to have his break fast without looking at my side. Even though he knew my presence behind there i knew he won't care to see me or knowledge my presence.

I also don't care about him or his boyfriend. I causally go to kitchen. I saw.... Wayo look me and smirked before start to eat his breakfast.

But i just ignored him and directly went to kitchen. Because I don't want to waste my time on those unfaithful inhuman people. So i just went to kitchen and take some ingredients before start to prepare my breakfast.

      Yeah...you guys heard right. Even though I pregnant but I need to prepare my food for myself.
     Actually there are maids in this penthouse for every work. But no one is allowed to help me. Actually I knew reason. Its all that bitch instruction to maids like ' don't need to help the stranger '.

Actually i didn't need someone help for this simple matters. Because since childhood i take care of myself without any one help and i knew cooking well. But the thing is now i am pregnant for god sake. I can't act like before because of tiredness and morning sickness.

Hmm...but what to do...i can't ask anyone help here. I signed.

Then without care i just make simple egg porridge for myself and some orange juice.

It took half a hour only. But i already feel back pain which i started to have for past one month.

Even though i feel tired for this standing but i can't ignore my food. Actually sometimes i like to skip the meal for this torture. But i can't and i won't. Because i am not selfish person to put up my own desire than to my baby health.

I just start to have my breakfast before it get cold. After breakfast i went to my room without look at that those shameless creatures who didn't leave from dinning table still now.

I came to my room. I already felt tired just walk on few stairs. Mm...i think i just take some rest now.

     Hmmm...didn't  get any glimpse of sleep even after lay like that more than 15mins. Asusal my mood is sour after saw that two disgusting people whom i hate core.

    I still now didn't knew what he done to got betrayed like this cruel way.   

I am such a stupid to fall in love with this jerk. We are only knew 6 months. And i already 4 months pregnant. I don't understand still now. How  can I be just stupid to fall into their trap easily like this.

    My god...

   I  first met him exactly 6 months back when i went to club with my colleagues to celebrate one of my colleague birthday day. There one of drunken man try to misbehave with me. But before something he saved me. I felt grateful for that. But that i didn't thought it's not one time help or he is not actually savoir but hunter of my life.

6 months back....

Ming....Let's dance.

Wai who is ming colleague for 2 years asked him. They are in club. After all today friday and More over one of colleague birthday. So ming colleague asked him to join the club with them. Even though ming is not party person but he didn't decline. Because he don't want to be rude to them. So they here now. Everyone on high aleady except ming who is still siping his first beer.


Oh come on ming...its just dance go.

Lam dragged ming to dance floor. First ming felt awkward. But after few beats ming felt relieved and happily dance with lam. Then lam turn to dance with few girls while ming swing hip here and there without knowing some guy sinful eyes.

      While he was dancing that guy approached ming. And he danced with him like a gentle for few mins. Then he try to misbehave with ming after few mins. Ming who find out his intention try to get away from there. But because of that stubborn evil guy ming fell down and got injured on his hand before someone save him from that pervert guy.
        Ming saviour punched that guy before take him out of club. Then help him to take him to hospital for treatment.

       But ming who is already lost his conscious didn't change to grap his saviour name. When he woke up the next day he was alone and no one knew who is saviour but just informed him his saviour already clear his bills. So he leave after get advice from his doctor.

   Its been week since that incident happened. He didn't thought he will meet his saviour anymore.

   Actually he forget my saviour till he coincidently met him at mall a week later when saved him second from falling on the wet surface.

When he thought to thank him for his help  thats when he saw his face.

      The person who saved him from embarrassment is non other my saviour doctor from club who name is PHANA KONGATHANIN.

      After he recognize who is his saviour he thanked him whole heartly. And also  he invite him to have dinner with him to show his gratitude. And to his surprise phana also accept his request.

    So they had warm dinner at fine resturant. During dinner they talked about each other and knew about each other. They liked each other company through out dinner. So after dinner they exchanged their phone number  before say good bid good bye to each other.



       I don't know why i felt content that time. I don't how i blindly trusted him like that since the first. May be since he saved me not just one time but two....i imagined him as a good Samaritan.

    But who thought he is not my  saviour but...just a bastard who is ready to do anything for his love of life yo.

   I still think about that dinner as biggest mistake i ever done in my life. If only...

But i know even if i didn't had dinner with him he still find way to approch me and make me fall for in other way....Because...

        Its all their plan SINCE BEGINNING....


P.s.please bear with my poor english and grammatical mistakes

Pic credits goes to rightful owner

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