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Pha come to yo mansion. Even though he felt sad because of what happened at their house , he change his mood to normal when he reached yo mansion. Because he don't want to yo or his dad worry about him. When he enter the living room he heard yo and his dad laughing from dinning area. Without making any delay he directly went to them.

Hi baby...good after noon uncle. How are you...??

Pha kissed yo cheeks after greet them. Then settled beside yo.

Hi...p. I missed you.

Yo pouted. Pha ruffled his hair. Yo dad smiled at his son antics before greet pha.

Good after noon pha. I am doing good. How are you..??

I am good uncle. How is your health. I heard you recently you feel stress more.

Pha asked him with concern. He really like yo dad who is always treat him like his own son.

Yo dad who heard pha concern felt overwhelmed. He knew how is such a sensible yet perfect gentleman. That's why he didn't oppose their relationship since beginning.

I am good pha. Dont worry. It's just some new project toll me for few days.Now everything back to normal.

Mm..that's good uncle. But if you feel any slight change on your health you should inform us. Otherwise yo will feel bad if anything happen to you.

Sure pha...i won't make you guys worry. Now eat this steak. It's specially made for you.

Yo dad felt happy when he heard pha concerned. So he happily share to pha himself.

Pha thanked him with smile and eat his delicious steak. Yo who saw his dad pampering whinned...

Dad...it's not fair. After seeing your soon to be son in law you forget your lovable and cute son. I won't talk to you still i go back..hmmm..

Haha...you silly boy..of course I pamper him. After he is also my son and also...

I know dad..i just teased you.

Yo winked at his p playfully before happily eating with his p and dad.
Actually after lunch as usual they didn't stay at mansion till dinner. Because yo have appointment with some of his schoolmates today. So after yo dad decide to retire to his room after their chitchat pha and yo also decided go to their house earlier today.

Both reached their house. Pha look around to see ming. Even though he knew ming have scaning today. So he may take Few hours extra then usaul check up still he worried about him. He knew he can ask to body guard about ming activtites. But he knew it will make trouble for ming. So he didn't try to do anything just decided to wait for ming asusal.

Actually pha didn't have time to see if ming already return or not. Because of yo went to their bedroom and asked pha to follow him. Since yo already told him that want to talk to something important. Because of that pha really tensed. Because he somewhat guessed what yo want to talk about to him. The topic he avoid to him whenever yo bring up. But he knew he can't always avoid it. So he decided to face it today. With that thought pha is waiting for yo to open up.

"P'pha... what uncle and aunty decision now. Are they ready to accept our mariage or not.Since their worry about heir is solved. I mean we are now excepting baby then what's the problem for them now."

Yo really felt frustrated. He don't want to drag this matter long. He wants to know the answer asap.

"That's...yo...i...i am so sorry...they again told me to wait us till baby born"

Pha don't know what to say. He knew how yo feeling.But...he is helpless.He can't do anything to this matter. He can just try to pursue yo only. But before pha say anything .....Yo said who saw pha worriness.

"Hmm..i knew you must be pressured that i asking you again and again. But i don't have choice p. Please understand me. Even dad also asked me about our marriage. I am really scared now p."

Yo...dont worry. You...We already wait till now for marriage. Now we just need to wait for few more months. Then... After baby they can't say anything to oppose our marriage.

So...please trust me yo. I won't disappoint this time.After everything over...Then you me and my baby will live like a family as you wish.

Hmmm...okay p. I trust you. I hope after baby born uncle and aunty wont say anything. Hmmm... i already tired of their unnecessary drama. They are really overreacting sometimes.

Pha who heard yo words about his parents felt irked. But he didn't say anything. Because he knew yo didnt say ill things about his parents intentionally.  So without saying anything he went to closet to change his dress.

     When he came back he can't find yo anywhere. He realised yo went out without say anything to him.


      He signed.

    He really felt depressed because of his conversation with yo. But he didn't want to waste his time anymore for that trivial matter. What more important for him now is Ming and his unborn baby. So he decided to visit ming like he wished before.

        But before he left from his room he got a call from the bodyguard...



     When pha heard news from otherside his breath hitched. Without knowing himself his face went pale. He can't believe his ears what he heard. So he once again asked other person with anxious...

       Wh...what...did you say...I think i heard wrongly...


     When pha confirmed the news he felt his heart tightened. He didn't hear anything from other end anymore.His  hands starting to shake automatically.  Because of that his lost his phone hold. His phone fell down with thud sound. Which make him back from his daze.


       Pha shouted ming name with panic. Without wasting time his time he run out from there.
Few hours before...

Ming asusal didn't talk to body guard till they reach hospital. He always felt bored whenever he came to hospital. Since the hospital he is going for his maternity test is outskirts , its took 2 hours journey from his so called house. Ming didn't have like mobile or anything to entertain himself. So he slept just he step in to car.

     2 hours later both reached their destination.

     Then ming left from car to hospital Without saying anything to the bodyguard/ driver. Since ming holding VIP card he directly went to meet his doctor.

      15 mins later...

   After checked everything doctor told him...

       Okay...khun Mingkwan everything is alright. Your baby is healthy. But...

     When doctor told him with frown ming felt his heart beat accelerated automatically. He felt bad feel from doc voice. Because of that his face become gloomy.

      Before he ask anything doc itself talked to him after seeing ming face.

     Hey....don't be sad..I won't going to anything serious.I just want to you concentrate your mood. Because i can feel you are in stress. It's not good for you and your baby. So...you just focus on your mood with you diet. Okay.

      Ming who heard felt relief. He thanked god in his mind before assured his doctor that he will take care his mood here after. After thanked doctor ming went to check his baby gender while body guard went  to collect ming diet sedule and other reports.

      While ming is going to ultrasound room...


P.s.please bear with my poor english and grammatical mistakes

Pic credits goes to rightful owner

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