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1 hour later...

After pha left from their place yo came to meet his dad at Panchayataward Mansion. Its usual though. Every sunday pha and yo came to this mansion to lunch with yo dad and after and dinner only they leave since they become official.

Yo... how are you dear.

Yo dad hugged him when he saw his dear son. Both are settled down on living room couch.

I am good dad. How are you dad...??? I missed you dad.

I missed you dear . Where is pha. Mmm...Why don't you guys stay with me at mansion.

P'pha went to hosiptal dad. There is emergency at hospital. He called me five minutes before. Actually he is on the way only.

Mmm...okay then. Let's go have some drinks and snacks while waiting for pha. Come on.

Both went to have snacks. While having snacks yo dad asked him...

Yo...is pha still concern about ming.

No dad. After i scolded him he didn't talk to ming or even spare a glance at him.

Mm...that's good. Because i don't like my future in law close to someone other than you. And i won't allow anyone come between you two. If anyone try i will destroy their life.

Yo dad said with evil smirk.

Haha...i know dad. I knew you just spare p'pha parents when they didnt ready to accept our relationship because of p'pha only. In fact i hate them core dad. Let's wait and see dad. After i get married to pha i will make their life living hell.

And i make sure p'pha also hate his parents. How dare they didn't accept me. I am PATCHIWADA. Actually they need to proud that they got someone as me as their son boyfriend. Instead of cherry me they look down on me. Aah...i can't accept their as my in law dad.

Yo was fumed with anger. Initially he liked pha parents. When they become official pha decided to introduce to yo to his parents.

Pha parents who is really good parents and open minded accept their son boyfriend without knowing who is actually their son boyfriend.

At first sight itself they liked yo who so innocent and behave too polite to them. Since then yo come to meet them with pha once or twice a month.

Then after a year they start to notice how yo behavoiur changed or more like he show his true colour infront of them.
So they indirectly reject yo first then when pha told them that he wants to get marry yo that directly disapproval the proposal.

Since then yo hate them core but didn't show it pha.

Shh...its okay son. I will handle them once you both get married.

Yo come back from his daze when he heard his dad voice.

Yes...dad. I want to marry p'pha asap. That's when i will make their life miserable.They annoyed to much dad. Because of them i need to went through this drama.

I hate it dad...i hate them. I hate ming. And hate that child who is in ming womb.

Yo shouted like a mad man. Like dad like son. Both are evil. They get what they want with any cost.

On the other hand..

Ming think'Mm...looks like already that guy left now his lover also will leave soon. Thank god don't need to see his evil face before go to checkup. I hate that yo. I hate how he look at me when he go to his room and i saw him smirked at me evily.

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