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       After bid good bye to yo i went to hospital. I didn't have any schedule today. But i got emergency call from hospital. So i went to hospital.

    After check the patient and make sure he is okay i came to my cabin to take my things before felt from there.

      While i take my things i saw a file which is non other than ming medical report. That's when something clicked my mind.

    Actually i forget to give the report to ming. Even though i didn't go with him for any of his check but always went through after he come back. Just like asusual i got it his last check up report from him and i forget to return it.

       After went to cabin only i knew the report is with me.

      So i decided to come to home  myself and return it to him before go to meet yo dad. But i didn't thought i will encounter with this heart warming scene.

     Actually i knocked the door on ming room. But i didn't get reply. Usually i won't get reply. But ming always open the door. But when i can't get his reaction i felt worried. I thought some thing may happened to him. Since he is pregnant i don't want to delay and lost something precious. That's why i opened myself to if ming okay or not.

    But who thought i was blessed with wonderful sight. I can't take off my eyes from that scene.

       Yes...i saw Ming half naked body.Ming is glowing with his baby bump... my baby is growing well. Actually this is the first time i see his baby bump.

  Oh god... I can't wait to hold him/her. Infact  next month i am going to knew our baby gender.

      Hmm..He look so cute with baby bump. Without knowing myself i look at the mesmerized site shamelessly.
      But i came from my daze when ming cleared his throat.

       When i saw ming reaction i felt hurted. I knew i deserve it. But i can't digest the fact that ming hate on me. I don't know why its always make me suffocated. I usaully won't feel hurt or worst whenever yo get angry at me or won't talk to me for days. Sure i feel sadness like i disappoint my boyfriend. But never felt worst or hurt.

     But with ming i always felt my heart squeezed whenever  i saw hate on ming eyes whenever he look me.   

     But i knew i deserve worst than this. Because  i knew ming is the one suffer more  than me. I knew his is dying each and every day because of my betrayal. I knew how much he trusted me and blindly loved me.

    I knew he is such pure and innocent soul. I knew i took advantage of his innocence. I fooled him and made his life like this. I knew is all our fault. We are the one make ming life miserable. We didn't want to make ming or anyone life like this. We even didn't thought that thinks will turn out like this.

    Yes its happened few months back which made our life like this...

   Few months back...


     Asusaul i came to meet my parents more like try to persuade them. But they didn't move even a bit.

    Hmmm...i don't know what to do anymore and i don't know what will say to yo. I am really tired of all those thinks. Actually its always happened like this whenever i come to my parents house. 
     Because for past few months my parents pressured me to break up with yo. Even though i told them how much i love yo and i care for him. I even told them how yo decided to give up on his life for me for the second time because of their ( pha parents ) pressure. But they don't like to hear anything of my reason. They still stubborn and told to me same reason ' Wayo is not good for you and our family. So its best for you break up with him.'

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