Rounding Error

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I had a different opening in mind on how Allison died but I really didn't come up with much to type let me know if you guys want to see it in season 14 anyways time to begin season 9 with Church/ Epsilon and Delta in the memory unit.

Church: (voice over) Hi, my name is Leonard Church.

Fade into an overhead view of Epsilon's mental image of Blood Gulch.

Church: (voice over) But nobody calls me Leonard. Most people call me Church sometimes they call me Alpha and a few people even know me as the Director, but I haven't been called that in a really, really long time. You see I know that when you look at me, I know I look like a super badass space warrior, but I'm really not. I'm actually a-

Tucker: (off screen) Hey, Church!

Will: (off screen ) I think he's monologuing Tucker.

Tucker: (off screen) This is important!

Church: (voice over) Uh... (clears throat) Just, uh, ignore him. I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of-

Tucker: Church!

Delta: Church is doing something.

Tucker continues yelling in the background as Church continues his monologue

Church: (voice over) I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of the-

Tucker: Where the hell are you?!

Church: (voice over) Okay...I'm just gonna start over. I'm just...I'm gonna go back to the beginning

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) (clears throat) Hi.

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) My name is Leonard Church.

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) But nobody calls me-

Tucker appears atop the cliff.

Tucker: Hey Church, come on!

Church: (groans) God damn it! What?! What do you want!?

Tucker: Come on! Get up here!

Church: Yeah, okay, hold on. For God's sakes, I'm coming! Shut up! (whispers to himself on the way up) God damn it, I can't even have one fucking moment to myself. Can't even be alone with my thoughts, not even for a second. Somebody's always gotta fucking yell, or scream, or "come look at this," or "what's going on over here," or "hey Church, help me out I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!" Fucking assholes. God I forgot how much this place sucks.

During the moment Church is whispering to himself, the title Red vs. Blue: Season 9fades upon the screen

Caboose: Now when he gets up here, remember the plan.

Delta: Caboose it is not likely you have a plan.

Tucker: Plan? What plan?

Ava: You never told us of a "plan" Caboose.

Caboose: We only have one shot at this. Don't let it fall apart.

Tucker: Why are you talking to me like this is supposed to make sense? Is this another one of your idiot schemes to make Church your best friend?

Red vs Blue season 9 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now