Chapter 38

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The last of the days sun light was snuffed out as the storm clouds rolled in and in the distance the thunder rumbled and the lightning began to streak the sky. The wind began to pick up blow throughout the court yard. The Tree of Gondor stood tall and unwavering through it all. Arry wandered nervously throughout the citadel. She hated it when it was stormy. Some of the soldiers son's had told her once the thunder was caused by an angry God. They told her he used his giant hammer to knock down entire villages and squash the people inside if he was displeased with them. Arry had conjured up terrifying images in her head of what this God looked like and what would happen if he was displeased with her or her family. Everywhere she looked there were people busing themselves preparing for the impending storm. The summer storms often brought with them flash floods and all kinds of chaos. All throughout the evening the preparations continued as the night grew darker and the storm closed in around Minas Tirrith. Arry lay in her bed cowering under her covers every time she heard the thunder boom above her head, trying to hide from the angry God's eye. Her door creaked open gently and an orange light shine through the door.

"Are you alright my little Evenstar?" Arry heard the comforting sound of her grandfathers voice. She gingerly peeked out from under her covers to greet him only to dive right back under as the thunder continued to clap around them. Aragorn chuckled to himself. "There is nothing to be afraid of little one. Do not listen to the stories Sam and his cronies fill your head with." Aragorn tried to comfort his granddaughter. He walked over to her bed and lay down. Arry crawled from under her covers to seek shelter in her grandfathers arms. She buried her face into his velvet robes, shuddering and squeezing him tight every time she heard the thunder.

Aragorn gently began to sing to Arry to try and distract her from the raging storm. "Roads go ever ever on. Under cloud and under star. Yet feet that wandering have gone. Turn at last to home afar. Eyes that fire and sword have seen and horror in the halls of stone. Look at last on meadows green. And trees and hills they long have known." Aragorns smooth voice lulled Arry into a sense of calm and safety. The thunder eventually passed but the rains lingered on. Arry fell asleep listening to the drip, drip of a leaky roof tile in her room.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The droplets of water hitting the stone floor echoed in Arry's ear. Drip. Drip. Drip. Arry groaned as she tried to stretch out on the hard floor. Her abdomen stung and protested her movements. She could feel the cold stone pressed agains her cheek. Drip, Drip. Drip. Arry opened her eyes. Slowly the room came into focus. Drip. Drip. Drip. In front of her were solid iron bars. Stone walls slick with green moss and slime encased her. Arry carefully sat up to inspect her surroundings further. She was in a cell in a dungeon of some sort. Definitely no longer in Minas Tirith. Arry inspected her abdomen , looking for the source of the pain. She had a dirty bandage wrapped around her middle. Slowly, Arry started to recall what had happened. The plan. It had all gone horribly wrong. Malekith had them scouted from the beginning. They walked into a trap. Bjorn. That snake. He'd ratted them out. Arry's hands then flew to her neck. The Aether. It was still there. Good. She thought to herself as she let out a little sigh of relief.

"Welcome back to the land of the living 'highness"

Arry jumped at the sound of the voice. She peered through the bars of her cell into the darkness. She couldn't see anyone but could feel eyes all over her.

"Who's there? Where am I? What do you want?" She fired the questions out into the darkness.

"You know who I am and exactly what I want 'highness and as for your where about, hmm well lets just say Minas Ithil doesn't live up to the splendour it once did. It's a pity really. This place had so much potential. And don't try to call for the Gate Keeper with a location. I have hidden you from his sight now. He cannot hear nor see you. A wonderfully useful enchantment, don't you think?" The cold voice replied back.

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