twenty one

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Kailey's blood ran cold. She had no idea what business John Kramer would have in her apartment, but she knew it was nothing good. She had a feeling it had to do with Mark, but she could never be sure with someone like John. "Hello, John," She said wearily "Amanda." She took a step closer to the two. She knew there was no immediate danger. John did not work that way. He truly believed his method was rehabilitation and did not condone murder. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" She said sarcastically.

"Come, take a seat." She did as she was told, taking a seat next to John, across from Amanda. "Congratulations on the little one." John said, eyes pointing to her stomach.

"Ones, actually." She corrected.

"What a blessing." Amanda said, snidely.

"Amanda," John warned "now is not the time for anger." The three sat in limbo for a moment, nobody making the next move. "Don't mind Amanda, she doesn't trust you quite as much as I do. In light of recent events, I thought it was time you and I had a conversation."

"Pertaining to?" Kailey asked.

"Mark." Kailey nodded, understanding that John was aware Kailey knew Mark was helping him. "Now, from what I hear, you don't have any plans to turn him in. Might I ask why?" Kailey thought for a second, coming up with a suitable answer.

"I've just recently learned how to appreciate life, John. If I lose him, I feel as though I'd lose sight of that as well."

"Was it really Mark who taught you how to appreciate life, or was it yourself?" He questioned.

"I think a lot of things taught me such, but he definitely helped." She replied honestly.

"From what I hear, you have a particular interest in my work that goes beyond detective work." He pried. She shifted in her seat, rubbing her baby bump absentmindedly. She gave a small nod, not disagreeing with his statement. "Now the real question is, can I trust you enough to not go to the police?"

"I thought about it. I really did, but I don't think I have it in me to do that to Mark." John coughed as she finished her sentence.

"That goes against everything you've made yourself to be, detective. Don't you feel a little bit of shame?"

"I suppose I do, but people change, John, you know that almost as well as I do." She admitted. "When I lost my brother, I started to see life in a different way."

"Oh, I know." He coughed again. "So I come to ask you, how long can you turn a blind eye? Or have you made a decision on whether or not you want to join us. I could certainly use a brain like yours. You'd get to experience justice and reformation all at the same time. It might help you sleep at night." She sat silently, listening to his words. "Do you want to protect you children, or blindly follow a corrupt legal system who refused to protect your brother?" Her heart hurt at his mention of Brian. If only he could see her now - he would be so disappointed in her.

"I'm sick of the legal system I work under, that's for certain, John."

"Is that an answer to my question." Her stomach bubbled with anxiety.

"I think so." She sighed. "Whatever I need to do to protect Mark, I'll do." She admitted.

"Perhaps he's not the one you need to protect. After all, he did lie to you for a long time, Kailey. We all know he's good at keeping secrets." John looked her in the eyes now, fully communicating his point.

"He lied for good reason, you and I both know that."

"Maybe so. Do you think he's cut out for this family life you're starting?" He questioned further.

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