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"I thought this was a detective's office, not an animal shelter." A smug voice said from the doorway of her office. Kailey looked up and exclaimed a gleeful noise. She jumped up from her office chair and ran to the man talking to her. Her brother, Brian had came to visit.

"What are you doing here? I didn't think they let you have days off!" She cried, happily, throwing her arms around his neck. He just had enough time to shut the door before she attacked him.

"I could say the same about you." He said, embracing her hug. "It's almost six, what are you still doing at work?" He scolded. She let go, but couldn't help herself and went in for another hug.

"Big case came in today. All of us have been working our asses off to solve it." She sighed and returned to her seat. He took the one across from her. "Whoever this Jigsaw guy is, he's smart. He's all over the news, now. He probably get's off to it. Sent a couple detectives for an interrogation, but that's the only lead we have." She began to close up her reports and files. She shut down her computer, and turned her full attention to him.

"So whats with the cats, Kail. Its really weird." He said, petting one that was sleeping on her desk.

"I'm really not supposed to have them here, but I found them at the scene today, figured I could use some company around the apartment." She said, and looked lovingly down at the two. "I always liked animals, I don't know why we never had any."

"Because mom was batshit crazy and we couldn't afford them?" She chuckled and nodded, having to agree with him.

"We probably could have had a goldfish, or a hamster." She offered.

"She probably would have tried to make them for dinner." She snorted at his snide comment.

"Be nice, Bri, she's dead." He shrugged, she didn't really care either. Death didn't bother the two. They were so used to it, working the jobs they had.

"So who's the creepy guy in the office next to you? He wouldn't stop staring at me when I came in. Pretty cute, though." He winked at her, hinting at something.

"That's Mark, we're actually going for dinner later. Definitely not as scary as he looks. He's pretty great, I really like him." She told him, and he grinned. He was happy, hoping that she might be able to move on from her last boyfriend. He noticed she wasn't wearing the necklace anymore, which made him very happy. He watched her as she stared at her desk. She seemed different from the last time he saw her. She looked a lot less lonely. "What about you? What's happening in your life. I haven't seen you in weeks, and we don't even talk anymore."

"I know, I can't stay long, either. I have to get to the hospital for the night shift." She sighed as a pained expression crossed his face. "I miss you, I do. Life is just super busy. It always seems to get in the way." He reached out to grab her hand. "I do love you, and I'm trying. That's why I came over."

"I know, it's just hard. It used to be me and you against the world. Now it's me and you, living in the same city, but never crossing paths." She leaned back and rested her head on the top of her chair. She looked at him in the face and really noticed him. His skin was sickly pale, he had bags under his eyes, and he looked exhausted. He was really resembling herself in that moment.

"It's still me and you against the world. It always will be." He assured her. "I met a girl. Her name is Nicole. I think she's really good for me." He waited for a reaction. When he got none, he continued. "We've been seeing each other for a while, but I didn't want to say anything. I think it's heading somewhere. I asked her to move in with me."

"Does she work at the hospital, too?" She inquired, wanting to know more. Brian never had much interest in girls. He was always a book kid, never really getting out much. He was more focused on work and studies than he was a relationship. As she sat, she fidgeted at the collar of her button up shirt. It was starting to irritate her.

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