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Mark stopped her as they left the newly found crime scene. He grabbed her forearm gently in his hand, to prevent her from going any further. She turned to face him and stopped. She stopped thinking, she stopped trying to get back to Matthews car, she just stopped. She looked around to see if anybody was watching, but all of the others were too preoccupied with everything else happening. She sighed and looked up at him.

"Want to come back with me?" He asked. She nodded and made a move to go talk to Eric, to tell him that she wouldn't be going back with him. As she made her way towards him, something made her stop. Mark's eyes followed her. Often, they never left. Nobody really noticed it, but he seemed to be doing it a lot more than usual, lately.

She looked around her, not seeing anything suspicious in the lot. The building was deserted, far away from heavy traffic. Then, she heard another noise. It was too quiet to identify, but definitely out of place. She checked the ground, to see what was making the noise. Mark watched her, not having a clue about what she was trying to listen for. She then took a step toward the small cement wall lining of the parking space. She paused again, straining her neck to hear. She heard the noise again, this time a bit more clear. A meow, from a cat. She then sped up her pace to where the sound had came from. She discovered a crack in the wall, creating a shallow hole.

She bent down to look inside it. Sitting inside was two small kittens, laying beside each other. They were meowing as loud as they could, and looked unbelievably frightened. The small orange cat looked up at her. It was much more interested in her than the other, grey one was. She went down on her knees and reached out to them, not touching them yet. She didn't want to scare them. The grey one looked up at her and made a move to come closer to her. Her heart melted at the sight, and when she felt they were comfortable with her presence, she reached out and picked them up. She held them close to her chest as she stood and faced the other cops.

Mark continued to watch her, but didn't move from where he was standing. He couldn't make out what was in her arms from the distance, but started to understand as she moved closer to him. "What are you doing?" He questioned as she approached him.

"Kitten?" She asked, offering for him to take one.

"I'm... I'm okay, thanks." He laughed. "What are you going to do with those?" He questioned.

"Mine, now." She stated as she looked down at the two. she rocked them gently as Mark observed.

"So you're just going to bring them back and keep them in your office?" He inquired. She nodded and grinned stupidly. Girls always went stupid for animals. She happily carried the two small cats back to his car as he followed closely. He unlocked the doors and opened the passenger side for her, allowing her to get in easier. He closed it behind her as she situated herself.

As Mark got in the drivers side, he noticed that she had let the two animals down on her lap. They rested there peacefully, eventually laying down. She strapped on her seat belt carefully, attempting not to disturb them. He started the vehicle and began to drive. She was silent for a moment, but then spoke up.

"You probably think I'm crazy," She stated as a fact. "But I couldn't save a human life today. I didn't work fast enough. At least I can save something. I can give them better lives. They won't fight for warmth, food, a shelter. I can keep them safe." She spoke quietly, gazing lovingly at the cats sitting on her.

"I don't think you're crazy, I think you're kind, and generous. You're softhearted, and if I'm being honest with you, this kind of work doesn't seem to suit you." He said as he reached over and scratched one of the kittens behind the ear.

"I just want to help people. I want to help anything I can. My brother gave me that motivation. He always has. I had the potential to turn out so ugly, so... so bad. He drove me to be the best I could. I took care of him for a long time after my mother got sick. He's younger than I am, but hes shown me so much. He's taught me to do good and no evil, even when that's all you want to do." She laughed at the end, and shook her head. "I'm really no good without him. I never would have been so successful."

"I understand. My sister... She helped me through everything. My divorce, losing our parents. She's my rock." He explained. She smiled.

"We have a lot in common, Mark. Except you don't find random cats and bring them home with you." He had to laugh at her. She seemed so broken when they spoke alone. She seemed sad and lonely. Despite that, when she was in public, she had on a face as strong as stone. Nobody could break her. She was, without a doubt, an amazing woman.

"I might not, but maybe someday. I think I could learn to love something as sweet as that." He was speaking in broad terms. In the circumstance, she thought he was talking about the cats specifically. He looked over at her when he spoke. He saw her smile playing on her lips out of the corner of his eyes.

"I don't think it would be that hard." She responded. The two spoke no more after that, they just sat in comfortable silence. Life was chaotic, and terrifying outside of that car. In that moment the two were completely calm, and secure. They didn't need words to make it better.

When the station came into sight, they sighed in dread at the thought of having to go back to work. Everything seemed so much easier when they weren't cooped up in a damp, musty smelling office. They sat in the car a while before they made any attempt to return to their jobs. The police from the scene had already arrived and had gone inside. The two shared a look, and Mark opened his mouth to speak. She cut him off.

"Would you like to go out sometime? Dinner, or coffee, maybe? You don't have to, I just think that I like spending time with you." She said. It all came out fast, and she looked like she regretted it after she said the words. His stomach sunk at her expression. "I'm sorry, that was super unprofessional." She cowered back in her seat.

"I'd love to." He said gently. He couldn't help but stare at the girl in the seat next to him. "I'll take you for dinner tonight, after work. After we go buy some stuff for those cats you found." She looked hopeful as he responded.

"It sounds like a plan." She paused. "I think I'm going to name this one Jig," She said and pointed at the orange cat. "And this one, Saw." Then pointing to the grey one. He was taken back by the names, not expecting it.

"That's... Interesting." Mark said, cautiously.

"It's only fitting, after where we found them." Mark debated, and he eventually gave her a nod in agreement. The two made a move to open their doors. Mark got out first, walking around to meet her. He took one of the kittens from her arms, and they walked in unison back into their workplace. By the time they arrived, the photos taken by the forensics officers had already been developed and sent back over.

Though the two didn't see it yet. The two cats they were carrying were very symbolic. For many reasons, but one was the most important of all. They symbolized innocence, and kindness. Something many of these people will lose by the end of their tale. In different ways, but impossibly the same. These officers, these people, would all succumb to their deepest, darkest minds. They would be ripped away from the lives they knew, and turned into monsters, strangers. Jigsaw's first traps were a spike of interest in their lives, but they didn't know how close they would actually get. They would control their lives and change them. So for now, they could enjoy the simpler part of life. The times where they could be in love, and see family, make friends, and enjoy living. Nobody understands how vital that is, until it's taken away from them.

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