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Cameron's POV:

I wanted to take her on our first date. I mean we kissed that day and we kissed even more after that.

And I wanted everyone to know that she is mine and to hurt her you have to face me and trust it won't be pretty.

The moment my eyes landed on this beauty , I vowed to myself I will protect her at any cost.

She told me the other day the reason she always had her left wrist covered. You could say she showed me. I cried that day. I never cry.

She had scars jagged all over her wrist. Some were fading, others were starting to heal. When you run your finger over her wrist, you could feel them , every single one of them. And when she told me they were self inflected , my heart broke in a million piece. How can she hurt herself this way? Does she not see what I see? Perfection?

And there was this round scar that created kind of a whole in her skin. I asked about it because it was different from the others. Those were straight lines. This one was round. She said:

"I was smoking on the roof of the school last year , when a teacher comes in and he told me to ash it off . And I did that , except he didn't say where , so I did it on my wrist , looking straight into the teacher's eye. He looked at me like I was crazy. He called my parents and told them but as usual they didn't do anything. They just shrugged it off like it was no big deal for me to hurt myself this way.

And since then , no teacher ever goes up to the roof. They all know it's my smoking spot and I guess they don't want a rerun of that incident as they call it.

But seriously Cami , it was no big deal."

I winced at her last words. How can she say that hurting herself isn't a big deal?

So I grabbed her wrist and kissed all her scars. One by one. She started crying and I hugged her like my life was depending on it. My life really did. My whole life was about her and I couldn't stand the idea of her hurting herself again. I wanted to help her , stop her from doing it again. Even if it kills me , I will protect her from everything , even herself.

But I had to ask this:

"When was the last time you hurt yourself Adrianna?"

I saw her flinch when I called her by her name. I only did that when I was dead serious or dead mad.

"The last time I did it was the day before I met you. I haven't touched a blade or a razor since I met you. I can't explain it Cami but you make all the pain go away when you touch my hand , you make me feel something after feeling numb and empty for weeks , you make me smile just by thinking about you. You make me happy.

And god that scares the shit out of me because the last time I was happy , it was ripped from me so fast and it stung for years. I'm scared that one day you'll leave saying that you had enaugh of me. And I can't take anymore pain in my life. Because if you do leave me Cameron , it will be the end of me. "

She had tears in her eyes and I couldn't take it anymore.

I kissed her with all the love I had , hoping that she will understand and embrace the love I have for her and accept it. She kissed me back with the same amount of love and passion that I could offer and that made my heart beat a lot faster.

When our lips parted , I looked her straight in the eyes so she could see all the love and passion I have for her , visible on my face and I said:

"Adi , no matter what happens , I love you. I will never leave because Adi , you are the air I breath , I need you to live. Without you I'm nothing. I love you just the way you are. Scars and birthmarks and silly fake tattoos you have all over your body are just a part of who you are. And I love every ounce of you.

I love how you wrinkle your nose whenever you find something disgusting , I love how you bite your lower lip when you are in deep thoughts , it makes me want kiss you so bad. I love how you have all these song lyrics and quotes written all over your body in sharpies. I love those little freckles on your nose. I love that birthmark just on top of your belly button. I love how I can make you blush just by kissing your cheek. God , I fucking love you Adi.

And I fucking need you. I would never leave you. Ever."

And I took her in my arms and held her for what seemed an eternity. I wanted to keep her there , where she felt safe and secure , where no one could her hurt because I was protecting her.

We fell in a deep comfortable silence , we were in her room , on her bed , cuddling and I knew that this was the perfect moment.

"Adi baby , I want to take you out for a date. A real one. Like a dress-up-really-nice-we-are-going-to-eat-in-a-expensive-restaurant date. What do you think about it? I mean , you are my girlfriend and I want to show you off so everyone will know that you are mine."

I was pretty nervous . She could say no and my dream of seeing her in a dress would be crushed.

And out of the blue , she started laughing. And I laughed along. I had no clue what she was laughing about but god it was like music to my ears.

"Aww my dear amazing sexy boyfriend , of course I will go with you on a dress-up-really-nice-we-are-going-to-eat-in-a-expensive-restaurant date."

And just like that she was mine. Forever.

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