I will protect you.

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Cameron's POV:

It was perfect. We were perfect. She was perfect.

News travelled fast in this small town. Everyone at school knew we were together and to say I was pleased was an understatement. Now no one will dare hurt her ever again. Or so its what I though.

It was the Monday after our date, on Friday night , and so I figured that someone would have saw us at the restaurant together to know that we went on a date. I didn't mind it but Adi did. She said that now they will target me. That they hurt everyone she loves. She said that the people in this town saw her as the town's screw up , the girl that even her own mother couldn't love. She said that before I came she was sure no one will ever love her. But I did and I reminded her everyday of it. I didn't want her to forget that I care and love her, because I knew that if she did forget , I will lose her and her demons will take over. She would immerse in so much self hate , that not even me would be abel to save her. And God , I was absolutely terrified of that thought. Losing her was out of the question.

Through the whole day at school , I noticed some guy called Evan , giving us dirty looks. He followed us everywhere. And I didn't dare leave Adi alone for a minute , afraid that he might do something.

We had every class together expect English. Her favorite subject. Her eyes would light up whenever she talked about a new book she was reading. She even wrote a couple of poems , I read them and they were fantastic. So I decided to show them to my uncle because he owns a publishing company. He found them quite dark and a bit morbid , but he said its the new trend for poems and so he agreed to actually publish them if she wrote two more poems so it would actually make a good book. She was ecstatic when I told her, and she kept thanking me the whole day , but I didn't even know why , I mean I would do anything to make her happy.

I walked her to English class that Monday , gave her a kiss and left. I had a free period so I would just wait for her class to end.

When the bell rang signaling the end of the hour , I headed to Adi's class. She just got out of class and she was waiting for me I presume. But then Evan grabbed her wrist and spun her around , and before he had the chance to say anything or do anything , I punched him straight in the nose and he fell on the floor. I climbed on top of him and punched him again. And again . Then I hear Adi calling my name, telling me to stop. And I stopped . I guess at this point Evan passed out because he wasn't struggling anymore under me. A large circle was formed around us , they were all staring so I shouted so they will all hear me.

"If anyone , and I mean anyone , I don't care how old are you or who you are , if anyone dares to hurt Adi , in any way , or even just to look at her the wrong way. I promise that I will hurt you back , and trust me it won't be pretty so for your sake , stay the hell away if you intend on hurting her. "

I then turned to Adrianna , grabbed her hand and just got out. Hopefuly no teacher saw the fight nor us skipping class for the hundredth time.

When we reached the parking lot , I took her in my arms and just held her so I could calm down because I swear if she hadn't stopped me , and ambulance would have been necessary.

"thank you , Cami. You didn't have to do that."

" yes I did. I can't stand there and watch them hurt You. I won't let that happen ever again. No one will hurt you ever again. I love you Adi , forever and ever."

"I love you Cami , you are truly the love of my life."


I honestly don't know what to think about this chapter. Awns I'm having troubles with my boyfriend these days and I really just want him to understand that I love him but he got it into his stubborn head that I don't. Ugh I don't know what I should do.

So thanks for readinPoland please VOTEEEE!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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