💙🤍 Till Ragnarok - Fierrochase (Riordanverse)

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Alex POV (female)

Gods, why won't that idiot stay out of my head. He's a lovable and sweet idiot. SHUT UP!
I flicked my garotte absent-mindedly as I sat in my room on Floor 19 of Valhalla, internally arguing with my mind and feelings. Ever since I had kissed Magnus, the stupid son of Frey couldn't stay out of my mind. I'd kissed him twice now, surely that should mean I know how I feel about him. Apparently not because there I was in my room even though it was past dinner. Eh, not like I was hungry anyway. Plus, I think my mind was way too preoccupied to eat. Two days ago I kissed Magnus Chase. While I was a male. No wonder he's been avoiding me. He doesn't like boys. I can't change that. Nevertheless, I still felt something nagging at the back of my mind. He could like you. He might just be confused. It was this stupid hope that had kept me confined to my room for the past two days. Ugh, why did life (or death) have to be sooo complicated? Death should be simple. Boom, you're dead, you're brain stops working and everything is gone. But no, the gods had to interfere and leave us to train in Valhalla until Ragnarok where we are destined to die a second time. Doesn't that sound fun. There, it was those kinds of thoughts that confused me, because there wasn't any real explanation for it. And to make things more complicated, some psychopath decided that was the right time to knock at my door. I slowly got up walked to my door. When I opened it, I had to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor.


Magnus POV

A very disgruntled Alex opened the door. I had no idea what I was doing. Alex probably hated me for more or less ignoring her since our kiss. Was I confused about my feelings for the child of Loki? Not really, I know that I love Alex and that I have for a while now but that didn't stop me from being surprised when she had decided to make a move. But since that, Alex hadn't left her room, not even for meals or training and that worried me. So I decided to go and check on her myself, just to make sure she was okay and ask her if she wanted to come for a movie night with the rest of the Floor 19 gang,
I studied what Alex was wearing as quickly as I could. She (I knew Alex was a she right now) was wearing neon green jeans and a pink vest sweater over a grass green shirt. Her green hair was messy and looked like it hadn't been brushed in the past few days. Which was probably true. She had her garotte in her hand which I flinched at almost immediately.
"Well, what are you here for," Alex demanded.
The strength and harshness in her voice jolted me from my daze.
"Well... I- uh was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch a movie. Ummm," I was not good at this, "everyone's already in my room and we were wondering if- uh if maybe you wanted to come."
I finished stammering through my question. I looked up at Alex's eyes. One was amber, the other a soft brown. Both were glinting in the sunlight. They were mesmerizing. I forced myself to look away from them (so I didn't come off as a creep, you know) and instead studied her expression so I could at least try to gauge her response. I got nothing. She was a blank page. We were standing there for 3 whole minutes before she finally looked at me and said, "Fine, I'll come to your movie night, Chase."
"Great," I said before she promptly slammed the door in my face.

Alex POV (female)

I was in some comfortable green and pink pyjamas when I knocked on Magnus' door.
I can't remember why I agreed to this movie night. It's because you love him. Is there any way to silence the insufferable voices in my head? If there is, I need to find it because I have no idea how much longer I will be able to deal with these voices.
I was saved from tearing myself apart when Magnus opened his door. My heart fluttered when I saw the smile he gave me. He let me into his room. I still can't get over the fact it was so similar to mine. I saw the Floor 19 gang sitting on the couch watching The Hunger Games. Why does everyone love that movie so much? It's basically a sadistic and murderous president killing off a whole bunch of kids to make everyone scared of him.
I found a spot next to Sam and sat next to her. She looked surprised to see me but the surprise passed as quickly as it had come.
"Glad you could make it," she said. " We were worried you were going to back out of a movie?"
I smiled and then Mallory scoffed, "Alex Fierro, back out. Never in a million years."
Grinning at the girl, I stole the bowl of popcorn in Sam's hands. Can't watch a movie without food.
Then there was that nagging voice in the back of my mind saying, you backed out of telling Magnus you're in love with him.
As if right on cue, Magnus plopped down next to me to watch the movie.

----------------Time Skip (cause I'm lazy)------------------

Magnus POV

During the movie, Alex and I had become physically close. Very close. Her head was literally resting on my shoulder. I had no idea what to do so I just stayed there until everyone had left. Plus she was probably tired and I did not need a tired and angry Alex threatening me with a weapon. Like sure, I couldn't really die (again) while I was in Valhalla, but that didn't make it any nicer or any more enjoyable.

After a while, Alex lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I still couldn't get over those eyes of hers. And being the amazingly gifted speaker I said, "What?"
I know right. You're probably thinking, Wow Magnus. The love of your life is alone with you and looking into your eyes and you say, "What?" Like I said, 'amazingly gifted speaker'.

Then she did what I had been wanting to do to her for two days and probably even longer than that. She kissed me. It sent electricity tingling down my spine. My brain responded after a couple of seconds and I lost myself in the kiss. We broke apart after some moments.
"I love you, Magnus Chase," Alex confessed. "I love you and I was too scared to admit it because I was scared you didn't like me back and -"
I cut her off. "I declared my love for you in front of our friends, Loki, Loki's army and you were scared I didn't like you back?"
Alex nodded quietly.
I cupped her face in my hands. "I love you with all of my heart and more than anyone else to ever walk the Earth, apart from maybe my mom, but I love you, Alex Fierro. Till Ragnarok and even after that, I will love you."
She nodded, close to tears, and I wrapped my arms around her until we both fell asleep on the grass of my room.

Word count: 1224

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