💙💔 Hunting Yelena - Katelena (Marvel)

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Kate was a very busy person. Her mother had been arrested, leaving her in charge of Bishop Security. On top of that, Clint had gotten her a job with SHIELD, something she was not taking lightly. Joining the Avengers and becoming one of them had been on her to-do list since she was a kid and this was an opportunity she was not going to throw away. She also had to look after Lucky and any dog owner knew that they needed food and lots of exercise, things that Kate had to worry about.

So when her next assignment from SHIELD arrived, it was needless to say Kate was shocked. Christmas had been... something with the entire mafia out to get her thing plus her mentor almost being killed by Natasha's younger sister, Yelena. All Kate knew about that last part was that Yelena had been hired by her mum to kill Clint and hadn't gone through with it. But according to the file she was holding in her hands, it was the only one she hadn't completed.

"Agent Bishop, you have already encountered the assassin before, we assume you will be the best fit for the job, should you choose to take on this assignment." The title 'Agent' was still new to her and she always got giddy whenever someone used it. This occasion seemed to be an exception.

Kate scanned the file in her hands before looking up at the SHIELD agent in front of her. "I'll do it."

"Good. We know how tricky and skilled these Widows are so we don't want you to kill her. Just detain her and bring her in for questioning.

"What happens after that?" Kate knew that they wouldn't give her that information, especially after she had asked the last five times but it had to be worth a shot, right?

"What happens to the assassin after detainment is none of your concern, you know that, Agent." Kate nodded and looked down. "Due to the nature of your target, we're giving you six months to bring her in. If you haven't detained the target, the case will be reassigned. You have access to all Silver level SHIELD resources and you may bring in other agents if required."

"Great, thank you. I better get to it then." Kate left the room, clutching the file a little tighter than necessary. She needed to get back to her apartment fast and call Clint. He would know what to do.


"Come on, come on, pick up Clint." Kate hung up and dialled the number again for the third time. "Third time's the charm, right?" She nervously looked out the window of her taxi as she listened to the dial tone.

"Hello? Kate? Is everything ok?" Clint's voice crackled through her phone.

"We have a problem, well I have a problem, I didn't think SHIELD would want to get involved but they did and I don't know what to do and I thought that maybe you-"

"Katie, slow down. Go back to the beginning and tell me everything, including what you're talking about." So Kate did, she included everything about how SHIELD wanted her to bring in Yelena, how she had no idea where she was. Everything. Clint listened, as he always did whenever something like this happened. 

"They probably only want her for questioning, they've never done anything more than that in my experience so don't worry about it." Kate nodded to herself a bit as she allowed herself to calm down. "As for where Yelena is, I don't know. After Christmas, I think she went back to the person who gives her assignments."

"Why would she do that, I thought you talked to her?" Kate rushed out.

"I did, yes but Yelena is a black widow assassin. Killing is all she's known for a long time, it will take effort to get her out of those habits."

"So what do I do?"

"Use your resources, Kate. You've got a lot of them and I know I taught you well. You know what to do." Clint hung up the call, leaving the young archer in contemplation. First, she'd take Lucky out for a walk, then she'd worry about her black widow problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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