💙 Nightmares - Taylor Swift x Fem Reader (Real Life)

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Type: Angst but then flufffff


I woke up in the middle of the night, mouth dry and desperate for water. It took a bit of effort to drag myself out of bed as my legs felt like bricks. This didn't make it any easier to make my way down the stairs. I let my feet drag against the floor until I reach the fridge and grab a bottle of water before gratefully taking a long sip.

My bliss was interrupted at the sound of the door unlocking opening.
"Tay, is that you?" I call out, wondering why my girlfriend was out at this time of night. She stormed into the kitchen looking furious. "Hey what happened?" I asked.
"I am so fucking sick of you Y/N! I should've stayed with Joe!" she yelled.
"I'm the only one in the house bringing in money, you do nothing! You're useless, you're dead-weight, I don't even know why we got together. I never loved you in the first place!"
My eyes started to well with tears at Taylor's harsh words. "You know what, get out. Get out of my house."
"Taylor, I-"
"Did you not hear me, Y/N. Get the fuck out of my house and don't come back."
"Taylor please don't do this."
"I'm going out for a walk. When I get back, I don't want to see you or any of your things here." When she started walking out, I let out a strangled sob. Then I heard the door slam and woke up in a cold sweat, crying loudly.

Taylor POV

Getting some peace when you're a famous singer is hard. I learned that a while ago. It's why I learned to keep my privacy as much as I can, limit my time on social media and try to stay out of the public eye and away from the paparazzi as much as possible. I ended up spending a lot of time at home with my girlfriend, Y/N and working on songs for a new album. 

I was sitting on the floor of the living room with my notebook in front of me and strumming my guitar when I heard her gutwrenching cries from our bedroom. Almost throwing my guitar onto the couch, I rushed upstairs to see Y/N curled in a ball under some blankets with tears running down her face. Seeing her this upset was horrible and wanted to do anything I could to make her feel better. "Hey," I said softly, walking over to her, sitting down on the bed and placing her head in my lap. "What's wrong, love."
"Y-you l-l-left," she got out through her sobs. My eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to figure out what she meant when I realised she must've had a nightmare.
"Oh, baby, I would never leave you." I tilted her face up so her eyes met mine. "You, Y/N Y/L/N, are the love of my life. My one and only, my lifeline. I will never leave for as long as I live, ok. Forever and always, remember?"
She nodded and I felt her heartbeat slow back to a steady beat and her breathing even out. "You wanna come downstairs? We can have some hot chocolate and watch a movie."
Y/N smiled at me. "Can we watch a Marvel movie?" she asked.
"Of course, honey," I answered before leading us downstairs.


"Do you want marshmallows?" Taylor questioned as she made our hot chocolates. Sitting on the benchtop, I swung my legs and put on a thoughtful face. She turned around to look at me and smiled at the sight. "Babe?"
"Hmmm, let me think," I said, delaying my answer. "Okay, I'll have marshmallows." She giggled and put some on our hot chocolates but she left them there and then walked over to me. Taylor's definitely taller than me so even though I was sitting on the benchtop, she was still slightly taller. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing, just admiring my girlfriend," she replied, placing both hands on either side of me. She kissed my cheek and then placed kisses along my jaw making me laugh. "Taylorrr," I sighed, craving my hot chocolate. She started on my neck, moving her way down to my shoulder until I leaned back away from her.
"Oh, I see how it is. You want the hot chocolate instead of me. How rude," she scoffed and grabbed our mugs, almost aggressively handing one to me and refusing to meet my eyes. I jumped off the benchtop and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm sorry, babe." She turned around to look down at me and I gave her the biggest puppy eyes I could.
"I really can't stay mad at you when you're like this," she said, sighing in defeat.
"I personally think that is a very good thing."
"Uhuh, I'm sure you do. What Marvel movie do you want to watch?"
"Endgame," I replied quickly with a smirk.
"Oh don't tell me you were one of those people who thought I had something to do with the movie because of reputation," she groaned.
"Okay, I won't tell you," I grinned and sat down on the couch with my hot chocolate, ready to snuggle. Taylor soon followed and wrapped an arm around me while she turned on the movie. I rested my head on her shoulder and she started the movie.
"I love you, Y/N," she whispered during the intro.
"I love you too, Taylor," I whispered back and took a deep sip of my drink.

Word count: 889 words

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