»Thana,« started Khalida carefully. She couldn't afford to mess this up. It was her one and only chance. The queen tilted her head a bit, her red hair falling freely down her shoulders, her crown settled on the top of her head, three diamond rings glistening on her fingers. She was listening. The air felt thick with tension.
»You have probably noticed the sudden distance between us. I am sorry for being dishonest with you. I should have told you of my business in the Forest. Please, let me tell you now.« She was asking for Thana's permission to continue. Her sister nodded stiffly, waiting for the next.
»Well.. there are many secrets that the Forest holds. You see, there are these spirits, well, the Guardians of the Forest, actually. One Guardian for each element. We've been meeting every full moon in the clearing in the middle of the Forest. They taught me the healing things, they are those who have chosen the mentors of the Guerrillas. And I.. I was chosen to be the next Guardian of earth. Well, now you know. I'm truly sorry for hiding it from you,« explained her the princess.
»Guardians..?« asked Thana after hearing the story. »What do you mean, Guardians? Why should the Forest be guarded? Why are they helping us? And how come you met them?«
»They guard the Forest of Lights. Like I said, the Forest is hiding many things. I know only rare of them, for now. Did you know the Forest glows at night?« Thana shook her head, looking quite terrified. »They are like some angel guardians, trying to make our lives easier. They're on our side, Thana.« The queen observed her sister without a blink. »If I wasn't chosen, I'd never have known them. I only found that out just after you got the idea of making the Guerrillas team. They led me to the Forest. In the middle of the night. It was such a beautiful experience.«
»Wait, you've been hiding this from me for three years?!« exclaimed Thana, truly offended.
»Yes.. I am sorry. Please, forgive me, Thana. I should have told you. Long, long ago. I know that now.« Thana was glaring at her sister. »Please, Thana. I wanted no bad. It was all just too perfect. I- I had a feeling you'd be jealous. I didn't want to destroy our bond,« cried Khalida.
»What have I done to deserve such a sister?« exclaimed Thana bitterly, her voice quiet. It chilled the princess to the bone. The queen was already planning to walk out of her room, leaving Khalida, who was now crying on the floor, but her sister stopped her, grabbing her hand.
»No, Thana. I have come here for a reason. What made you change so much?« whimpered she.
»I could ask you the same thing!« snapped the queen. Khalida looked at her in disbelief, tear staining her eyes. A sob escaped her lips.
»Thana. You can't go on like this. Look how selfish you've become! You are completely blinded by the power!«
»So you say!« spat Thana. »You have been hiding things from me for years! Don't you think that is selfish?!«
»I'm sorry, Thana! I was told not to tell anyone!« Both sisters were yelling now.
»Oh, you were, huh?! Stop pretending, Khalida. You just want the power for yourself! Haven't you got enough of it already?« said the queen, rolling her eyes.
»Well, if you think I'll listen to your rudeness, you are very wrong!« shouted the princess in reply, storming out of the room in fury. Thana watched as she rode her horse and retreated to the Forest to help the citizens.
The Forest of Lights
FantasyLong, long ago, in a mysterious town lived two princesses. The younger one's name was Khalida, the older one was Thana. They were known to be most respected individuals in the country. Next to the town was a forest, it was called the Forest of Light...