Chapter 2-"Anne, Y/N or Beasts"

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Somewhere in an unknown location, Y/N can be seen slowly waking up, groaning in pain as he felt wet mud on his face. He touches his face, feeling the mud before slowly getting up to his feet and cracking his back.

Y/N: "Ugh.. The hell happened?"

Y/N rubs his head and immediately felt that his beanie was missing.

Y/N: "Crap, I lost my favorite beanie.."

He lets out a sigh before checking his surroundings and finding himself surrounded by tons of trees and vegetation.

Y/N: "But where the hell am I anyway? And where are the girls?"

Suddenly, he heard a female voice coming from nearby.

???: "Y/N? Marcy? Sasha?! Anyone there?!"

Y/N: 'That sounds like Anne!'

He then began to run towards to where Anne's voice is coming from and eventually emerged out of the forest, seeing his friend on a cliff, all covered in mud with a stick and leaves in her hair.

Y/N: "Anne?"

Anne: "(Turns around) Oh my gosh, Y/N?! You're here!"

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm here-- whoa!"

Anne runs over and hugs Y/N which completely caught him by surprise. He lightly blushes from the contact and pats Anne on the back, calming the young girl.

Anne: "Oh thank goodness, you're here with me! (Releases from the hug) Have you seen Sasha and Marcy anywhere?!"

Y/N: "N-No, I haven't. I just woke up in a forest all by myself."

Anne: "No! Dang it..."

Y/N: "Whoa, cheer up Anne. At least we have each other, right?"

Anne: "Yeah.. We have each other!"

Y/N: "There we go! Maybe if we look around, we could see if Sash and Marcy are nearby."

Anne: "Great! Let's go!"

Anne tries to run off into the forest but was stopped by Y/N.

Y/N: "Now hold up Anne, we need to know where we are first."

Anne: "O-Oh.. Sorry."

Y/N then walks over to edge of the cliff and looks out into the vast landscape, breathing in the special air. He then sees multiple giant bees flying in the sky which caused his eyes to widen.

Y/N: "Are those bees really big or am I just on drugs right now?"

Anne: "Nope, you're definitely not. Those things are actually real!"

Y/N: "Welp, we're going to die."

Anne: "What?? Don't say that Y/N!"

Y/N: "Anne, since there are giant bees here, that means there's going to be much more bigger insects here! Especially cockroaches and mantises..."

The two shivered after hearing Y/N said that, clearly not wanting to see those big bugs especially if the cockroaches were flying ones.

Anne: "But like you said Y/N, we got each other. So its possible that we can survive together! Plus, you have survival training from your dad and even taught me and the girls some of the basics!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, you're right. Never really thought all that training would come in handy.."

Y/N moves away from the cliffs and walks over to Anne with a smile, feeling a bit better now as they could possibly survive in this new and unfamiliar terrain.

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