Chapter 7-"Stakeout"

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(Plantar House, Wartwood)

In the Plantar House, Sprig and Polly can be seen inside of the kitchen, washing the dishes while Anne, Y/N and Hop Pop are sitting on the couch in the living room. The boy was playing a racing game called "Sugar Rush M" on his phone, enjoying himself while his friend argues with the old frog sitting next to her.

Anne: "Look, dude, all I'm saying is that where I'm from you could get arrested for having a couch this firm."

Hop Pop: "Back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks.. sharp ones."

Anne: "Okay... but if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you."

Hop Pop: "Back in my day we called those "character"."

Y/N: "I'm actually quite comfortable, I sat on way more firmer surfaces than this."

Anne: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Whaaat? I'm not lying.."

Y/N looks over at Anne but in doing so, he quickly loses control of his race car in the game for not having his eyes on the race track, making him go off the road and into a chasm, earning a game over which made him pout.

Y/N: "Damn, I lost.."

Hop Pop: "See? At least Y/N gets it."


We cut to the backyard of the Plantar House where Sprig can be seen raking the leaves and Hop Pop holding the backdoor open, allowing for Anne to walk out carrying a box full of radishes.

Anne: "Ugh.. So.. heavy!"

Hop Pop: "Mind the flagstone."

The elder frog warns Anne but it was too late, she accidentally trips on the flagstone and falls to the ground with a thud, knocking all of the radishes out the box. Hop Pop stares at the fallen girl and picks up the radishes on the ground.

Hop Pop: "Back in my day, kids spent less time complainin' and more time watching their step."

Anne: "Yeah? Well, where I'm from people fixed their crummy houses!"

Hop Pop: "(Gasps) This house is like family! You apologize!"

Anne: "To a house?!"

Y/N then emerges out of the backdoor, carrying two boxes of radishes on both of his shoulders before spotting Anne on the ground, rubbing her bruised knee in pain which made him raise an eyebrow.

Y/N: "You alright there Anne?"

Anne: "I'm fine Y/N.. Just hurt my knee a bit."

After she said that, Y/N sets one of the boxes of radishes down on the ground and reaches into his hoodie's pocket, breaking off a piece of a chocolate bar he had and hands it over his friend.

Y/N: "Eat this!"

Anne: "Huh?"

Y/N: "You'll feel better, trust me."

Before she could say anything, Y/N shoves the piece of chocolate into Anne's mouth and moves her jaw up and down, helping her chew the delicious goodness. Suddenly, she feels her knee quickly heal itself which caused her eyes to widen in shock.

Sprig: "Whoa.."

Y/N: "There! All better now."

Anne: "You healed me with chocolate?! Ah, your power is so awesome Y/N!"

Hop Pop: "Alright you two! That's enough, back to work!"

Hop Pop yelled out to Y/N and Anne before they could continue to talk even more, walking away with some of the radishes in his arms. Y/N doesn't argue with the elderly frog and picks up his two boxes of radishes, getting back to moving the vegetables while Anne lets out an annoyed groan.

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