Chapter 9-"Taking Charge"

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[Planter House, Wartwood.]

It was a nice day in Wartwood, the sun shining down accompanied by the smell of the swampy terrain. On the roof of the Plantar House, Y/N and his wolf-spider Snowflake sat on top, the boy trying to have a conversation with his arachnid-canine best friend.

Y/N: "Do you think Death could be a nice hot goth gf? Rather than a skeleton in a robe with a scythe, that'd be boring."

Snowflake: "Woof!"

Y/N: "See? You agree with me!"

Y/N smiled as Snowflake rubbed her head against his left arm, prompting him to give her head scratches she loves so much. She wagged her tail all happily until suddenly...


It was Anne's scream coming from inside the house, making Y/N stop scratching Snowflake and quickly get up to his feet, picking his pet up before she could react what was happening and jumped off the roof, landing on the ground before running and kicking the door open.

He saw the Planters in the living room, surprised to hear that scream as well until the trapdoor to the basement busts open, allowing for Anne to stick her head out of the basement with an excited look on her face and holding her phone out.

Y/N: "Anne! What was that screaming?! Are you on that time of the month again?"

Anne: "No dude! Look! (Shows her phone screen)"

Polly: "Uh..? What are we looking at here?"

Anne: "Suspicion Island! It's like my favorite show. I've got the new season and didn't even know about it. It must've auto-downloaded before Y/N and I got here."

Y/N: "Aw sick! I didn't know you have Suspicion Island!"

Sprig: "Who's this Otto guy?"

Polly: "And how did you download him?"

Anne: "Just watch.."

Anne pressed play on the show, staring a preview of the show for them to see with Y/N calming Snowflake down in time.

Narrator: "Previously, on Suspicion Island.."

Four people are seen walking through a dense jungle, their clothes a mess along with themselves too. A woman by the name of Peruvia looks around with an odd look on her face as she's followed behind by another person named Randy.

Peruvia: "I got a lot of feelings about this place.."

Sprig: "Look! More Annes and Y/Ns!"

Polly: "Haha! They have noses."

Randy: "I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, Peruvia, except you!"

Peruvia: "But, Randy, I think you're suspicious!"

Randy: "NOOOOOOO!!!"

Narrator: "Suspicion Island. If you don't stay suspicious, you won't stay alive.."

The preview ends with an explosion, cutting back to the title of the show.

Y/N was grinning after watching that, Sprig and Polly were amazed while Hop Pop was feeling unimpressed after watching that.

Hop Pop: "What is this demonic nonsense?"

Anne: "Hop Pop, this show's got beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes! It's literally perfect."

Y/N: "One of Michael Bay's finer works if I do say so myself."

While Hop Pop find the thing playing on the phone bizarre, the frog siblings were the opposite, the both of them were very interested and finding it very cool. They get more excited, cheering but it was stopped when the elderly frog stops their fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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