Welcome to Hosriks

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My name is Aang and I'm a bender. I first found out just a few months ago when I received my letter of acceptance into Hosriks School of Elements and Bending. No one really knows how Hosriks can tell if you're a bender or not but we all know if you see that letter, congratulations.
Today was my first day and I couldn't have been more nervous. Will I make friends? Which element will I be able to bend? Will I be any good at it?
Those were just a few of the hundreds of questions flooding my head. "Take a deep breath, Aang." I told myself.
I headed out of my room and found my adoptive father, Gyatso, downstairs waiting for me. He was an airbender but that didn't mean I was. Usually you can bend the same element as your parents, but I never really knew mine.
"Ready to go, Aang?" Gyatso asked warmly.
I nodded and followed him outside to his flying bison, Jampo. We climbed onboard and held tightly to the saddle.
"Yip yip!" And we were off.
It took a few hours before we finally reached the shipyard. I peered over the side of Jampo to see hundreds and hundreds of what I assumed to be students. There were all hugging and saying goodbye to their families before boarding the ships. I glanced over to Gyatso. It's been really tough not having my parents but Gyatso has helped fill the void. He's done everything he could to provide and take care of me. I smiled softly to myself as we landed amongst a small group of chattering students.
Several other Air Nomad families had taken their flying bison as well. I had always wished I would be sorted as an airbender, I wanted a flying bison of my own.
Gyatso jumped off the saddle and slowly lowered himself to the ground using his airbending. I, on the other hand, had to be more careful. Jampo grumbled as I used his tail to slide down to the ground. Gyatso laughed and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I will miss you, Aang." He spoke softly. "I know that you will make me proud."
I smiled as I gently pulled away from my foster father. "Don't worry, Gyatso. I will." I promised. I waved a last goodbye and started heading towards the ships.
"Send me a messenger hawk every once in a while!" Gyatso yelled after me.
"Will do!" I shouted back. It was only until I reached the ramp leading up to the ship that I realized just how nervous I was. I clenched my fists, trying to ignore my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.
A lot of students had already made friends and were chatting excitedly about what was yet to come. I looked around to find a few empty seats and slowly made my way over and sat down. After a few minutes the boats gave a loud toot and began to sail away towards my new school.
"Excuse me?"
I glanced up to find a girl about my age standing awkwardly in front of me. She used her arm to gesture to the empty seat beside me.
"Do you mind?" She asked slowly. "Everyone else is full."
I smiled. "Not at all!"
She looked relieved to have finally found and seat and gladly took it quickly. "I'm Katara by the way." She looked friendly enough and was dressed in blue. Classic sign of someone from the Water Tribes.
"My name is Aang." I greeted. "Which Water Tribe are you from?"
Katara looked a little confused. "How did you know I was from the Water Tribes?"
I gestured to her attire.
She placed her hand over her mouth and giggled nervously. "Oh, of course. I'm from the Southern Tribe."
"Were your parents waterbenders?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No, my parents are nonbenders. I also have a brother, Sokka. But he's a nonbender too."
"Do you think you'll be a waterbender?"
"Probably. But I don't mind. Water is my favorite element." She smiled and glanced at my clothing. "So, Air Nomads, huh?"
I nodded. "I was adopted into it though. My parents died when I was little."
Her eyes quickly darted away from me. "I'm so sorry, Aang." She brought her hand to a necklace she was wearing. "I know exactly how you feel. My mother died when I was very little...this necklace is all I have left of her."
My heart went out to my new friend. She was in a lot of pain, I could feel it. "I'm sorry."
She turned to me and smiled. I smiled back.
"Hey, do you guys mind if I join you?"
We both turn to see a smaller girl standing there with a small cane in her hand. She had an aura about her that made her seem tougher than she looked.
"Of course, sit down." Katara said cheerfully.
The small girl made her way over and sat directly across from us. "My name is Toph." She said. "Toph Beifong."
"It's nice to meet you. My name is Aang and this is Katara. You look like you're from the Earth Kingdom." I pointed out.
She nodded and glanced out the towards the sea although I knew for a fact she couldn't see anything.
A few minutes passed and Toph suddenly pointed out to the sea. "There it is!" She exclaimed.
Katara and I both looked but couldn't see anything. We turned to each other with odd expressions.
"That's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it." Toph waved her hand in front of her face and smiled. We all laughed.
The boat ride didn't take nearly as long as I thought and the next thing I knew, I could see Hosriks. I turned excitedly to Katara and she looked as thrilled as I was. I couldn't believe how big this school was.
We finally docked and everyone stampeded out of the ships and onto the dock where a tall man was waiting for us.
"My name is Ryuu. I'm the keeper of the grounds." He gave us all a big smile. "Welcome to Hosriks!"

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