Sirius Black

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Sirius Black. What could you say other than he was a dreamy playboy. Y/n sighed as they looked at him. His hair falling perfectly to his shoulders when he laughed, his cute smile, the way he bit his lip. Sadly for Y/n, he never really noticed them too often, so Y/n only looked at Sirius from afar.

Y/n knew about his reputation. Playboy. And he knew his friends were the most rowdiest, silliest, and annoying boys out there... but they never cared. They knew that he also had a kind side to him. Y/n was walking along with Dorcas Meadowes, a friend of them. "How to ask a girl out," Dorcas mentioned, and Y/n stared at her confused.

"What? Are you asking or telling?" Y/n questioned, still staring with confusion.
Dorcas chuckled, "Uh... both?"
They both laughed, and Y/n started to shake their head. "Why do you think I know how to flirt with a girl? I can't even flirt with a cat."
Dorcas nodded in agreement. "You really don't."

Dorcas then asked, "Want to hang out with us later?"
"Who's 'us'?" Y/n replied.
She explained, "Lily, Alice, and Marlene of course!" They nodded. Y/n knew that Dorcas was friends with the three smart girls. And Y/n also knew that Dorcas had a mad crush on Marlene McKinnon.

Y/n sighed, "Okay, I'll come."
Dorcas smiled happily. "Great! Thanks!"

All the classes finished and Y/n went to the Gryffindor Common Room and tried to find Dorcas and the other girls. "Uh, Dorcas? Where are you?" Just then, someone bumped into them, and Y/n flinched. "Ah! What the hell?!"
The person apologized, "Um... sorry about that..." Y/n looked to see... Sirius Orion Black.

"You?" Was all Y/n managed to say.
He shrugged, "Uh... yeah, me... is that bad?" 
"Wait-- aren't you Y/n Y/l/n?" Y/n blushed as Sirius said their full name.
"You know who I am?"
He nodded. "Yeah... I've seen you around." He smiled at the end. "I actually remember that you gave me an answer sheet to a Potions assignment."

Y/n tilted her head, in shock, "How'd you know that was me?"
Sirius stood there and stammered, "Um... a-- a lucky guess? Maybe?" 
"A lucky guess? Really?" Y/n raised her eyebrows.
He chuckled, "Yeah, lucky guess."
Y/n shook her head and said, "Okay seriously. How did you know that though? I never told anyone. Not even my best friend."

Sirius gulped and sighed, "Well... I saw you making the sheet. Then saw you gave it to Peter..." Y/n felt like they were blushing. So he did notice them.
"Oh-- well alright..." They gave a soft smile, which gave Sirius butterflies in his stomach. He had some affection for Y/n for a while, but was to shy to admit (which is very rare for him).

"Also, do you know where Dorcas is?" Y/n asked Sirius.
He replied, "Oh-- she's in the library. I think you know she doesn't like to be disturbed while reading." Y/n nodded.
"But she told me that we would hang out with Lily, Alice, and Marlene."
"Oh yeah. Lily's with Snivellus right now. Alice I believe is with Longbottom. I don't know about Marlene. Peter told me all this. He hears everything."

Y/n sighed, "I can't believe she lied to me like that."
Sirius suggested, "You could hang out with my friends for now. You don't have too though." 
"Oh... well sure. Why not." Y/n smiled and he brought her to the dorm which he and his friends shared. Y/n looked around to see a few of his friends.

James Potter. He was known as the chaser, and in love with Lily Evans. 

Peter Pettigrew. He was more quiet and shy, so nobody bothered to learn anything about him.

Remus Lupin. He was more smart, mature, and a Prefect. People assume that Lily and him are 'more than friends'.

"Hello," Y/n greeted the three boys. James waved back, a sad smile on his face. After hearing the rumors that Lily and Remus could be going out, he wasn't really getting along with Remus for that.
"Hi Y/n!" Peter smiled. Y/n gave him a smile back. Remus was paying attention to a book, so he didn't bother looking at Y/n.

James rolled his eyes and hissed, "Remus. Padfoot's crush is here! Be polite." He muttered at the end, "And don't try to steal them away from him."
Remus looked to see Y/n and said, "Sorry. Hello Y/n." Y/n waved as a response.
Then Peter asked Sirius, "Are they your partner now?"
He blushed pink and kept repeating, "No, no, no, no!"

Y/n also blushed and responded, "I'm not, Peter..."
Remus sighed, "Well... not trying to sound offensive... but why are you here?" James nudged him hard on the abdomen, making Remus scoff.
"Well I was supposed to hang out with Dorcas, Lily, Alice, and Marlene... but they ditched. Then your friend asked me if I'd like to hang out with you guys. I can leave if you want."

Peter answered, waving his hands dramatically, "You may stay, you may stay!" Y/n giggled before sitting with Sirius. James smirked at the sight and Remus chuckled.
"What's so funny now?" Y/n asked him, making Remus stop.
He responded, "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry." Y/n looked at him, with a look of disbelief on their face, but nodded.

"Do you want some candies?" Peter questioned, his cute eyes gesturing to Y/n. They nodded and he gave them a pile of candy.
"Peter, I can't take this!" 
"But you can." He said, a wink at the end.
Y/n gave him a hug, "Thanks, Pete. You're a good kid."
James muttered, "Is it because he gave you candy, Y/l/n?" 

Y/n replied, a grim expression on their face, "No. Also because he is a better kid than you all will ever be."
Sirius rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever," 
"Padfoot's jealous..." James teased, and Sirius hissed back, "Shut up, Prongs. Nobody asked you."
Y/n blushed, and then asked jokingly and teasingly, "Really... Padfoot?" 

Sirius felt like he was about to get a boner, but covered it before anyone could notice. "Fuck off." Was all he could manage to say.
Remus laughed, "Poor Padfoot. Exposed already."
James and Peter laughed as well, and Y/n sighed, "Okay guys... Sirius looks uncomfortable already..."
James sighed, "Fine... whatever."

They all continued talking, making fun of each others stories, and comforted each other anytime it took a more emotional turn. After a few hours, Remus looked at his watched and gasped, "It's already 10 PM! You have to go, Y/n."
Y/n nodded and waved goodbye to the four boys, but Sirius got up and said, "I can escort you."

James grinned and Remus nodded for him to go. "Yeah, sure Sirius." They walked out of the dorm and to the empty common room. "Well, anyways, I'm going to go." But Y/n was stopped.
"Y/n, can I talk to you. It'll be short..." They nodded and went close to Sirius, making him gulp.
"What's up?" Y/n was blushing at how close they were.

"Well... Y/n Y/l/n..." He started. "I- I really like you. Not like friends, but more than that... I understand if you don't like me the same way... I just- I just needed to let that out of my chest..." Y/n stood there, shocked. "You can go now."
Y/n stood there still and told him, "Sirius Orion Black... if you thought you only were the one with affection, you were terribly mistaken. I've had a crush on you since third year when you helped me build my snowman. I made the answer sheet just for you, but gave it to Peter because I was to shy to give it myself... Sirius, I- I like you as well."

Sirius smiled and asked, "So- uh- what do we do next? I've never done anything like this..." 
Y/n said, blush crept on their face, "Just kiss me already."
 And no questions asked, he kissed her like there was no tomorrow (whatever that means) and Y/n wrapped their arms around his neck and once they let go, he chuckled, "That- that was- amazing."

Y/n admitted, "Uh... that was my first kiss..."
Sirius said to them, sincerity in his voice, "Well you did pretty well for a first kiss." Y/n smiled, and once they went to bed, the only thing they thought about was their first kiss, with Sirius Black. 

𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 , [𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙤 + 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨] ✓Where stories live. Discover now