Random POV #1

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A random POV I thought of is:

POV: Every person each gets three wishes, but once you make one, you get your wish, but something bad is added to your wish as well. Once you wish for something, you can't take it back.

Example: I wish that my fictional crush would marry me.

Con: He/she/they will hate you and he/she/they will not be the man/woman you thought they'd be.

Now, I'm going to show how some Harry Potter characters would wish for, and the cons, plus their reaction to it.

Harry James Potter: First wish would be to bring his parents back to life.

First con: Parents won't be the same as they were before and will think poorly of him and won't believe any of the things he said about him defeating Voldemort and stuff.


Second wish: Voldemort wasn't bitchy.

Con: Voldemort would still try to kill Harry, and he succeeds. 

Second reaction: Damn it. HE SUCCEEDS?!

Third wish: His life WASN'T so miserable.

Con: Someone else close to him has the life he never wanted to have, making Harry feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Third reaction: I don't like this, I don't, *Throws hissy fit*

Ronald Bilius Weasley: First wish would be to be rich.

Con: Rich, but he's unhappy and he will be married to a bratty lady who only married him for the money.

First reaction: At least I'm rich (;

Second wish: Draco Malfoy and all the Malfoys never existed.

Con: Everybody hates him for that, even his family.

Second reaction: I still stand by that. Malfoys are rude and selfish.

Third wish: To have all the food in the world.

Con: People plan on stealing it away from him because others are starving.

Third reaction: I will have guards to keep them away. (Me: You can't do that though).

Hermione Jean Granger: First wish would be for everybody to stop hating on muggles.

Con: Muggles will become selfish brats and think of pure-bloods lowly. 

First reaction: That is utterly horrible. Honestly.

Second wish: To not have married Ron.

Con: She would be in a relationship with McLaggen and it would be VERY toxic.

Second reaction: I - I'll just stay with - wait I can't change anything... oops

Third wish: To wish for more wishes.

Con: People will hunt her down and threaten her, so she'd have to run away.

Third reaction: That HONESTLY makes no sense. It's just a smart.

That's all, bye.

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