Remus Lupin

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one-shot based on
arranged marriages to shit fests
"Oh shit."

(a/n: this is an AU. Which means some parts of the fanfic may seem confusing. Perseus Parkinson is going to a different school in this AU, while in 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 he goes to Hogwarts as well. The ending of this one shot most likely isn't what happens in the real fanfic)

Leah and Remus walked with each other through Hogsmeade, joking and laughing with each other. "Want to get some chocolate?" Leah asked, a grin spread across her face. Remus replied, "Did you even have to ask?" They entered Honeydukes and waved at the owner before searching for chocolates.

"Whoever finds the most chocolates, the loser has to give five galleons to the winner." Leah challenged, and Remus scoffed, "You're challenging me-- game on!" They started searching for chocolate. Both kids had a love for the snack, even if Abraxas Malfoy despised that his daughter was eating muggle foods (such as chocolate, chips, etc.). Lucius was actually nice and brought her to Honeydukes secretly sometimes.

Once they both finished, each of them held a handful of chocolates. Leah counted how much she had, and Remus did the same. "I've got 60 bags of chocolate." Remus said, grinning proudly. Leah frowned, "I've got 59." 
"Time to pay up, Miss Malfoy." Remus said, his hand out. Leah sighed as she gave him 5 galleons and she paid for her chocolates and Remus's.

"I'm so nice. I paid for you." Leah said, hoping her dad wouldn't find out how much galleons she had spent. Remus rolled his eyes, "I won the bet anyways."
"Rude," Leah muttered as they both went outside. Remus asked her, noticing Leah starting to shiver, "Want to go to The Three Broomsticks?"

Leah nodded quickly, so Remus dragged her along to The Three Broomsticks. When they made it there, Remus looked at Leah and touched her cheeks softly. "Oh Merlin, you look sick." She blushed red and removed his hands from her face, "I'm not sick-- just-- just cold." He shrugged and found a seat where they could both sit.

Remus looked about and took a deep breath. "Where are your other friends?" Leah asked, making him reply, "They're each on a date. James's with Lily, Sirius with Marlene, and Peter with some Hufflepuff girl."
"Wait-- Potter actually got a date with Evans?" Leah repeated, surprise very clear on her face. He nodded, "Yeah, even I was shocked."

"But sadly, you didn't get a date?" Leah teased. Remus gaped jokingly, "So you're not my date? I'm hurt, honestly." 
"Shut up," Leah said, blushing and rolling her eyes. "You're my tutor. I can't go on a date with my tutor." Remus suggested, "Let's pretend I'm not your tutor-- and I'm some Slytherin boy who asked you out." She bit her lip from telling him 'that's stupid'.

Their butterbeers finally came, and Leah was the first to drink. "Someone's thirsty." Remus said, making Leah roll her eyes. Once she stopped drinking her butterbeer, Remus pointed at her upper lip. "There's some foam..." Leah wiped it off and asked, "Is it still there?" He shook his head no, and she smiled.

"Aren't you going to drink?" Remus nodded and started to drink. Leah looked around to see Daria with her family sitting at a table near the corner of The Three Broomsticks. Daria was shaking hands with some other people on the opposite side of her. Then they sat down and started talking. 

Suddenly, a boy put a hand on Daria's, making Leah's blood boil. "What's wrong?" Remus questioned, noticing Leah's face turn red. "Some boy's touching Daria's hand. The audacity!" He tried to calm her down by putting his hands on her shoulders. "Daria's a pure-blood, right?" Leah nodded, becoming less tense than before.

𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 , [𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙤 + 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨] ✓Where stories live. Discover now