|16| Like a Fairy

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A sense of overwhelming peace washes over me as I watch Emara and the kits move around the house, completing their tasks and working together like a disciplined group of warriors. It would be nice to have a clan like this to take care of. A clan with Emara even...

I shake my head, reminding myself that if I ever want that to happen, I need to prove myself worthy as her mate. I will make it my goal to help her in any way I can. She deserves that much and more.

However, right now... I do not know how I can help. I have offered, but I feel like I will get in the way more than I will help. They clearly have a routine, and I only feel like I will hinder that for them. I may have slightly selfish motives since I am hoping she will become my mate, but even so, it is a man's job to honor and serve his mate. I do not deserve her if I can't do something as basic as finding a way to help.

I would lay my life out on the line for my mate and kits and work myself to the bone to provide for them. That is what having a mate and clan meant. Working alongside your mate and taking care of her is something that has been ingrained in me since I was a kit.

Relationships are symbiotic. They are sacred and special and in need of attentiveness and care on both sides. It is a male's job to be a protector and provider who will respect and honor his mate and clan. Females are role models, caregivers, and teachers. Having a mate meant having a partner to care for and, in turn, be cared for. Anyone can do something by themself, but doing it with someone who cares for you, having someone to work alongside you, is a blessing.

Emara sets the skinned animal pelts she had already cleaned into the cart that would carry all her things. "All finished! Ready to go?" She places her hands on her hips as she looks around the house, searching for anything she could be missing.

Lilly and Evey nod.

"Alright, let's get going then." Emara smiles and takes a step to the door.

I snap to attention. Grabbing the door, I push it open for them, grabbing the cart handle and pulling it out the door with me.

"Thank you, Taeric." Emara smiles warmly, grabbing Jace. She reaches for the cart handle, but I hold up my hand, shaking my head. I hold out my arm, urging her to lead the way without letting her take the cart.


The kit in Emara's arms squirms, trying to be freed from her hold on him. "Momma! Momma!" The kit whines, wiggling some more.

So far, it has been a pretty uneventful adventure, and for that, I am thankful. I had been somewhat worried about another one of those beasts from when I first landed on Earth showing up. The girls played a few games along the way. They are currently chasing each other through the trees, following Bear, and Jace wants to join in.

Emara set the kit down on the ground. Jace chases after Evey and Lilly the moment his toes touch the ground.

"Jace, what do you spy?" Evey questions the small kit.

Jace looks at her for a while, not seeming to understand.

Emara comes up beside him. "Look at that. It is called a squirrel," she tells him with a point up high to the tree branches. The little creature is scuttling across the branches, periodically pausing and rubbing its ears.

"Up, up," he begins, wanting to be held so he can see better into the trees.

I let out a breathy laugh. The kit had just wanted down a few moments ago.

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