Pepper Spray

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Hi! Author here!

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Hi! Author here!

Sakura Blossom reached 1 million reads today! I'm so happy!

Honestly, I didn't even think this book would achieve so much- I remember that it basically came to exist because one day I thought "hey wouldn't it be funny if I made a y/n that could only say mochi lol"

Anyway, I'm really grateful! If you guys happen to have any ideas for what I could do for a special, I will be glad to hear it! Hope you guys have a good day/night!


“Umm… and that- and that too-” Y/N was currently preparing to leave. “Oh! I suppose I should bring the pepper spray too, just in case! Zenitsu, can you come here for a sec?” she asked, Zenitsu confusedly walking over to her in response.

When he got close enough, she sprayed a bit in his face. “GYAAAH- WHAT THE HELL-”

“Yep, its working.” Y/N blankly commented while staring at the instructions in the bottle. “Do you feel like you're seeing hell?”


“Well, that's what it's written in the effects-” Inosuke interrupted her when he suddenly grabbed the spray away from her hands.


“I-Inosuke- Slowly put that down-” Y/N approached him in careful steps as Inosuke tried to figure out how the small bottle worked, only to accidentally spray it in his face. “GYAAAAAH- THIS THING IS DANGEROUS-”

“See?! I told you to put it down!” She exasperatedly said, running over to the boar in order to grab it away from him, but he ended up accidentally spraying it on her too when she got close enough. “AAAAAH- THIS SHIT HURTS-”

You could say that Tanjiro was quite surprised when he entered the room to say goodbye and saw the three squirming around in pain.


“Does it feel better now?” Tanjiro asked with a worried frown.

“Sniff… yeah- Everything just looks a bit blurry-” Y/N said in response, rubbing her eyes.

“Jeez, why would you guys do that to her?” Tanjiro said, turning to the other two.

“She is the one who started it!” Zenitsu exclaimed, which Tanjiro only responded by smiling blankly and saying : “I'm sure that it was just an accident. Mistakes happen.”

“No, she did on purpo-”

“Right, Y/N?” Tanjiro said, interrupting Zenitsu.

“Yeah! It totally was an accident!"

“See? There was no need to be so mean to her!” Tanjiro turned to look at them while patting Y/N's head, the girl smirking with a dark expression.


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