~Why? ~

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2nd person pov~

Sangwoo reluctantly walks out the room, leaving you alone with the doctor. The doctor turns his head towards you and gives you a sympathetic smile.

You stare at him.

Why didn't it work?
It's should have worked...

"I'm doctor Ahn. Miss, uhm. I'm sorry we were never informed of your last name." the doctor picks up his clip board, rereading your information.

"Yoon, Y/n Yoon."
You answer avoiding eye contact.
"Ah. Miss Yoon. How you feeling?" he asks with sympathetic soft voice

You lower your head in shame. You felt awful. He pitied you.
"Humiliated." you rub your eyes.

The room is silent for a moment.
"Miss Yoon, I'm here to help you. I need to know is you boyfriend in any way abusive?"
You cringe.
"miss Yoon, I need a direct answer. I can get you the help you need. I can help-"

"I don't need your pity!" you scream.
The room falls silent. Both shocked by your sudden outburst you stare at each other.

Realisation hits you like a brick. He just wants to help.
He did nothing wrong.

You start crying and wipe your tears away.
"I-I'm sorry" you say softly.

"It's alright, you've been through alot." his nurturing voice made you cry even more.

This was save. Away from Sangwoo, you were save..
You could be free.

So why did you feel disappointed why did you dread leaving Sangwoo to rot.

This is your chance to escape and suddenly you don't want it.

"Miss Yoon I need to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, do you understand?" he asks seriously.

Your head bobs yes and he sighs relieved.

"how did you get the bruises and fractioned bones?" he starts writing on clipboard.

Think of something, won't you!

"I-um, I f-fell.."you stumble over your words. He looks up from the clipboard. He's not convinced.
" Miss Yoon, is mister Sangwoo holding something above your head, preventing you from telling the truth? " he asks.

Your eyes travel to the doors looking through the window. Sangwoo is standing in fort of the window. His treating expression makes you cringe.

Doctor Ahn follows your gaze,futher proofing his theory is correct. " miss Yoon, answer me."

" no."

Bullshit. He has Yoonbum. Your recent hate toward the scrawny man still roars violently, but you can't deny the fact that you love him and care for him.

Doctor Ahn sighs in defeat and turns to the doors.

"we're keeping you here for a few day's, depending on your behavior we'll see if rehab needed, if not you're free to go."he says.

'well this hospital is shit, who let's a suicidal patient run free after a few days of good behavior?' you think to yourself. You didn't care to much though. The sooner you got out of here the better.

Hey besties, sorry I've been busy recently. If I'm being honest with yall I don't know when this story is gonna end, but I rly enjoy letting the creative juices flow, ya know?

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