Blood Work = Fainting

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Today I had to go in to get some blood work to check all of my levels. I don't mind needles, but for some reason, I always pass out. It doesn't matter what the nurse does, or what I do, but I always pass out. This time, I have to fast the morning of, so my blood sugar likely is going to be low.

I made an appointment for first thing in the morning, and decided to go out to breakfast with a friend after, so that we can both get some food.

I went to my normal clinic, and check in. "Y/N?" The nurse called. I went back, and she took me to the normal chair.

I figured I would just get this out of the way. "So I have a tendency to pass out with blood draws, and I'm a hard stick. So if it's ok with you, I would prefer to be laying down." You could tell that this was not a new conversation for me, and I just wanted her to know before I inevitably passed out.

"Thank you for telling me. I will try and help you not to pass out, but I will have you laying down just in case." She sweetly told me. My first thought was that she stood no chance. I would just be happy if they got me on the first try, because often it is a few tries.

Once I was laying down, I started to get a little bit nervous. When they stick you correctly, it doesn't really hurt. But if they miss, it hurts pretty bad. I was going to try and ask no questions, just so that I could be done and leave. But, curiosity got the best of me. "How many vials are you taking?" I asked, slightly nervous for the answer.

The nurse was quiet for a minute. "10. So quite a lot. But just relax, and if you can, please don't pass out."

That shut me up real quick. That means the needle was going to be in there for awhile. Before I knew it, she was tying the band around my arm. I think that is the worst part of the whole thing.

She then spoke again. "Take a deep breath, and if you are going to pass out, try and breathe, but tell me if you really think you are going." She directed me kindly, but with some sternness in her voice.

"Ok." I barely whispered. I tried to think about meeting up with my friend, what I was going to eat, and everything else I had planned for the day.

Like normal, I barely felt the stick. I just kept taking deep breaths. Quickly, black spots started to invade my vision. I maybe tried to tell the nurse, but within seconds, blackness took over.

"Y/n" people started to yell. I tried to open my eyes, but it was as though they were made of lead. I could not comprehend what was happening.

A few seconds later, I opened my eyes. Everyone wanted to check my vitals, which all came back normal for me. They gave me some water and crackers, had me sit up, and watched me for a few minutes. Once I was given the all clear, I felt much better. And I was able to go to breakfast with my friend as planned. Unfortunately, maybe this is how blood draws will always go. 

Hi everyone!
I hope you like this one. I'm sorry for not writing this week. College courses have been a bear, especially with working 2 jobs! Hopefully I will get another one up soon. Also, please give me some feedback and what you would like to see soon!

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