Medical Imagine 8: Request for bwthib

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Medical Imagine 8: Request for bwthib

I started to feel that sinking in my stomach. I was coming down with a stomach bug. I hate that feeling when you know that you are getting sick, and there's nothing that you can do about it. The feeling is made worse because my boyfriend is a doctor, and he is very protective over me. So always the goal is that he doesn't find out ever, or if he does, it has to be after the fact. I never really know what he's going to do if he finds out if I'm anything less than perfectly healthy.

Two days go by, and I'm continuing to get sicker. I was still going to work, but it was becoming more of a challenge. On the third day, my work sent me home early. What I didn't know was that my boyfriend was able to leave the hospital early as well. So he actually beat me home. Which was not the ideal situation.

Walking into the house, I felt like a zombie, and not really "there". To the point where I did not even see his car in the driveway. I walked in, and went straight to grabbing pain medicine. And then I felt the presence of someone behind me.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He said, taking me off guard.

"Oh nothing, why are you home?" I replied to him, trying to play it off and keep it cool. Even though at this point, all I wanted was some sleep.

"You're warm hun, care to tell me what's going on?" He said seriously, telling me there was no way out of this situation.

"I just don't feel great. But that's okay, I'm sure I just need rest. I'm fine, I promise." I told him, trying to convince myself just as much as him.

"Not happening, I need to take a look at you. You are not okay if you came home from work early. Would you like me to look at you on the couch, or on our bed? Up to you."He said, never breaking eye contact.

"Probably the bed. I at this point need to be comfortable. I may even fall asleep." I told him, the pit in my stomach continuing to grow, only from nervousness this time.

I went into the bedroom, and changed into pajamas. Even though it was only three in the afternoon, I wanted to be comfortable. My boyfriend quickly came into the bedroom, medical kit in hand.

"I'm going to get changed into some sweats. I'll be back in a few minutes. Lay back and relax, please." He said, giving me a slight smile.

I tried to lay back in the bed, and relax, but I was feeling so nervous, cold, and my stomach was in severe pain. I was just hoping that he would be as gentle as he could be.

My boyfriend walked into the bedroom, looking cute in his sweats and t shirt. I'm grateful he didn't put on a different pair of scrubs. "Honey, know it's just me. I would never hurt you on purpose. I just want to figure out what's going on so that I can come up with a plan. But to do that, I need you to cooperate with me, okay?" He said, looking at me intently.

"I'll try, but you know how nervous I get." I responded, my voice quiet and struggling. He simply nodded, not wanting to say anything more.

I laid back in bed, and watched as he took my temperature, frowning as it beeped. He took my pulse, blood pressure, and listened to my chest. Next came the part I was hoping that he would forget: the abdominal exam.

"I'm just going to feel your stomach. And if something hurts, please tell me. I already have a sense of what is wrong, but I have to do this part. I'm sorry." He told me, already reaching to pull my shirt up slightly.

He made sure that I was covered, and then he lightly pressed on my stomach. I started to cry out at many of the spots that he pressed. My sweet boyfriend continuously apologized the whole time, before telling me that he was done.

"You did so good sweetie. I know that must have hurt. I now what's going on now, so we can get you feeling better. But I need you to stay calm for this part. I know that this is not your favorite thing in the world. So I just need you to breathe, can you do that for me, he said, looking at me cautiously.

I simply nodded back. My guess was that it had something to do with needles, which I am not a fan of. It just depends on who gives it. I had never had my boyfriend give me injections before. It simply wasn't something that I had ever needed with him.

"You have a pretty nasty stomach infection. It's one that is not going to go away with oral medication alone. I need to give you a little shot, in your lower back. And then I also want to give you some oral pain meds too, because I want to get you comfortable enough to sleep. I know this isn't fun for you, and it's not what I want to be doing right now either. Can you please lay on your stomach for me, so we can get this done?" He asked sweetly.

I immediately shook my head. If I wasn't feeling so terrible, I probably would have run out of the room. I don't understand why this is something that I can't just take oral medicine for. I know that I waited a couple of days to tell him, but that's because I really thought that it was something minor. Not major enough for my boyfriend to come home and then give me injections. I was not okay with any of this.

"Hey. I need you to listen to me right now." My boyfriend said, his tone harsh. "I know you don't like needles. I don't like giving you needles. You waited to long to let me help you, so know I have to do this, whether you like it or not. I don't want to hold you down or call someone to help me, but I will if I need to. My only priority now is to make sure that you are healthy. And this is the one way that I can do that." He finished, clearly getting irritated.

With tears in my eyes, I reluctantly flipped onto my stomach. My boyfriend delicately pulled down my shorts about an inch, just on the one side to get what he needed. I jumped slightly when he rubbed the cold alcohol patch on my skin.

"Deep breath in, and out." As soon as I started to exhale, I felt the poke of the needle. I whimpered slightly. "You're okay, you're doing great." He kept telling me, much to my dismay. I wasn't sure how to handle the end of this situation.

I felt the needle come out, and him put pressure on my skin with cotton. I slowly sat up, and he gave me the rest of my medicines.

"That should all kick in soon. For now, let's lay you down, and I can rub your stomach until you fall asleep." My boyfriend said, seeming to think that was the best course of action. I put my head on his chest, and followed his breathing and heart rate. As I was starting to drift off, my boyfriend kissed me lightly on the head, successfully sending me off into a deep sleep.

Hi everyone! Sorry that it has been so long. I started at a new college (even though I'm in my third year) and it has been really hard. I ended up in the hospital, and am having a really hard time meeting people. I hope you enjoy this one! I have one more request to write (you know who you are). This is my first ever request, so I hope it's what you were looking for! Let me know if you have any other ideas as we go on here.


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