Imagine for Sophinaomwilson

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 I woke up this morning with intense stomach pain. Typically I would just try and push through and try and go about my normal day, but it was worse than I had ever experienced before. But, because my brother, Luke, and his friends are all doctors, I definitely did NOT want any of them to know. I decided that I was going to go down for breakfast, and hopefully, they would not notice.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Luke tried to get me to eat something. "Sophie, I need you to eat something. Doesn't have to be anything huge, but even toast or an apple would be a start. Doesn't even need to be breakfast food, but you need to eat!" He told me, eyeing me up and down, clearly sensing something was up.

"I'll take an apple to go!" I said, trying to act nonchalantly with it, not wanting to give him any warning bells.

"Soph, I'll take you to work today, we don't have enough cars." Luke said, not really leaving room for argument. "I'm just in the clinic today, so I have no problem picking you up," Luke said as he looked at his friends Ashton, Calum, Liam and Michael.

I clearly did not have a choice in the matter. I was struggling to even sit up straight with the intense pain in my stomach but did my best to try and figure out the best way not to let them know that I was so miserable. While getting my shoes on and my bag ready, the pain got so bad that I broke out in a cold sweat, and needed to take a minute to compose myself.

"Sophie, you okay?" Ashton, asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Yup, all good. Maybe that time of the month will work." I replied, trying to sound confident.

"Yeah right, your time of the month was last week!" Calum said, raising his eyebrows.

That is one thing about being surrounded by doctors. They know everything. And it is very difficult, if not impossible, to get away with anything medical-related. I couldn't even have my period in peace without them asking intrusive questions.

The guys were clearly making eye contact behind me, trying to diagnose me without telling me anything. With a loud sigh, I went to the car, sat in the back seat, and reclined the seat just enough that I wasn't sitting up straight, making it more comfortable for me.

Luke got in the car and did not say a word. He turned on the radio and made it pretty quiet, so it was just background noise. I worked about 20 minutes from my house, so I closed my eyes and tried to relax, not knowing how I was supposed to get through a full day of work.

After only five minutes, I felt the car come to a stop, and Luke turned the car off. Opening my eyes, and incredibly confused, I saw that Luke had pulled us into his clinic's parking lot next to the hospital. Instantly, I became frustrated.

"Why are we here?! I'm going to be late to work, again!" I exclaimed, trying to let him know that I cannot be late, in any way, shape, or form.

"Relax Soph, Mike called you in. We know you aren't feeling good, and want to make you feel better, and we can't do that without examining you. So come on, let's go."

He was not going to get me in that exam room. I just stared straight ahead, not moving an inch. I did not want him to get any satisfaction of me listening to him. I knew that they would need to push on my stomach, and maybe give me fluids through an IV. I don't hate needles, but they aren't my favorite thing. Name one person in this world who likes being poked with needles.

Luke, instead of saying anything like I thought he would, simply sighed and opened the door, and started walking into the clinic. I truly thought that I fooled him, and that he would let me take a nap in the car, and I would feel so much better after. I just closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

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