Imagine for Wildflowermag

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 I went into work today feeling pretty sick. I woke up nauseous and with a headache, which was not normal for me. But because my job as a waitress is a very demanding job, I had to go in. Paid time off is not often a thing that is given, and even if I were to call in sick, the rest of my team would have to pick up the slack. Which is not something that I was willing to risk. I didn't think that I was too sick to go into work, but that I would take it easy.

Throughout my shift, I continued to feel worse. At times I was dizzy, and would need to lean up against a counter or the wall for support until I felt up to moving again. This is not something that I was used to, because I don't get sick often. I started to get a little concerned. One of my coworkers asked if I was okay, and I simply told her that I was, not wanting to worry her at all.

Near the end of the lunch rush, I notice a former "friend" of mine from high school at a table with someone else.

"Lilly, is that you?" Mike asked, seeming shocked that I was there.

"Hi Mike. I hope you've been well. What can I get for you?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

Here's the deal. Mike was my biggest crush in high school. Except before I got the courage to tell him how I felt, he went and got a girlfriend. He had only seemed to tolerate me, but a girl could dream, right? Well, as their relationship blossomed, my hatred for him only grew. I knew it was partially my fault for not saying anything, but it was still something that made me upset. He went on to become a doctor, which is far more than what I can say for my life right now.

They ordered their food, and I was going around to my other tables, trying to ignore the fact that Mike was here. I didn't know if he and his girlfriend are still together, because I hadn't kept up with him much after he originally got her anyway.

I suddenly began to feel worse. Much worse. I started to not feel steady on my feet, and the last thing that I remembered was one of my coworkers asking if anyone was a doctor. Then, all faded to black.

I woke up feeling cold, and my eyes were heavy and hard to open. The annoying beeping of a heart rate monitor was interrupting my much needed rest.

"Lilly, sweetheart, open your eyes for me." I heard a voice say. It was familiar, but I couldn't quite place where from. I slowly tried yet again to open my eyes, and this time was successful.

"Good girl, that's it." I heard, as my blurry eyes began to focus. I looked around, and realized that I was in a doctor's office. And Mike's doctors office at that. I started to panic. "Lilly, you're okay. I'm taking care of you. You are just a little sick, that's all. You are in my clinic." Mike told me, trying to keep me calm.

Panic pulsed through my veins. I don't like doctors, and I definitely cannot have Mike as my doctor. I got up, and tried to run out of the room.

"Nope, I can't let you do that sweetie." Mike said, seeming surprised by my outburst. He picked me up, and put me back on the bed.

"I can't stay here. I have work, and everything else going on. I just passed out, I swear. I'm not even sick." I said, talking fast and trying to act fine. Even though I did not feel fine.

"I'm a doctor, remember? I know when people are lying. And you have the prime example of that. I know you don't feel good, and you have a temperature, and your eyes aren't reacting right, so you probably have a migraine too." He said, looking at me with one eyebrow raised.

He caught me. I instantly broke eye contact, and looked down at the bed. I kept quiet, not knowing what to do in this situation.

"I gave you some medicines while you were out to help with the pain. I pulled up your file, and it shows that you have not been here in 3 years! So I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow, because I know you do not work tomorrow. So you can come in, and I can give you a proper checkup, and catch up on anything that needs to be done. But for now, I want to drive you home, because I took you in my car, and I don't want you driving right now. Any questions?" He told me, not giving me an option.

Obviously, I wasn't happy with the current arrangement, but I got the impression that I couldn't get out of it.

"I can't say I'm happy about it, but I will do it, fine. One question: do you still have that girlfriend of yours?"

Hi everyone!

Hopefully this one is okay! Anyone want a part 2 of this one? Also, if you have requests, please send them in! I feel like (maybe) I'm getting the hang of this request thing! Please let me know your feedback. Hopefully after this weekend I will be able to write a lot more. Hope you all are doing well. Love you!


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