Wilbur Blows up L'Manburg

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I was yet again forced to write stuff for literature. This time, I had to write about someone showing bravery, I decided to do this because in my opinion, Philza killing his own son is quite brave. Don't ask me why, it just it to me okay?🙄 My mom said it only had to be like paragraph long, well uh... It's like 2 pages long on paper.😀 Anyways-
I don't watch the actual lore so this is probably very incorrect, so I'm sorry to any lore watchers out there, this is going to be bad. I was watching the clip while writing this to try and make it as close to the actual thing as possible, while also adding a few twists.
Warning! The end is very cringe, I had to add my very own twist to make it 'mine' and uh, let's just say it's bad.💀 Now enough of me talking, enjoy this trash!

3rd Person P.O.V

Wilbur looked up at the signs, ready for what's about to happen. "There was a saying Phil," He says quietly, looking back at Philza. "By a traitor... Once apart of L'Manburg. The traitor, I don't know if you've heard of Eret?" He continues cautiously, "Yeah?" "He had a saying, Phil." He turns back around to the wall of signs, with a singular button in the middle. Phil knew that that button, if pressed, would destroy it all. Wilbur smiled quietly, a smile full of hate and destruction.

"It was never ment to be."

He smiles wider and presses the button. "Oh my god- You did it!" Phil says looking in awe at the mess being created, Wilbur watched as L'Manburg was being blown up. Piece by piece, building by building.

Phil came running up to where Wilbur was as everything was being torn down by the TNT, "WILL! IT'S ALL GONE!!" he coughs trying, and failing, to hold back a few tears that were rolling down his cheeks, he watched the dust settle and turned back to Will. Wilbur sighed, smiling wide and laughing. Maniacally; at what had just happened.

He turned back to Philza, with a crazed expression, tears falling down his face. "MY L'Manburg Phil. MY UNFINISHED SYMPHONY, FOREVER UNFINISHED!!" He yells, looking back at all the destruction, stepping foot on the freshly blown up grounds.

He looks at Phil quickly, "IF I CAN'T HAVE THIS, NO-ONE CAN PHIL." he runs back to Phil, grabbing his shoulders, looking into his eyes full of fright and confusion.

"Kill me Phil, kill me." He says, his eyes crazed, yet so innocent and unloved. "Phil kill me," He says again, taking his hands off of Philza's shoulders and taking a step back, pulling out a sword from his belt and forcing it into Phil's hands. "Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill ME!" He slightly yells the last part, looking desperate. "Do it, kill me Phil, murder me."

He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, he just stood there with the sword in his hands, looking at Wilbur. "They all want you to," Wilbur says looking out to everyone in L'Manburg, who were still processing what just happened. "Do it Phil, kill me." Phil looked up at Wilbur, who had a desperate face, pleading for death. Phil then had a sudden wave of realization, "YOU'RE MY SON!" tears streaming down his face, he tried to get Wilbur thinking straight.

"Kill me!" Hot tears starting to poor down his face, all he wanted was to die. To be taken out of the miserable life he was given. All Wilbur wanted was the sweet release of death. "I- no matter what Will, I can't-" "Phil! Its- look, look! How much work went into this, and it's gone!" Getting angry, tears started pouring into his mouth, he just wanted it all gone.

Phil looked out to the used to be L'Manburg and all the people's faces. He looked down at the sword, vision starting to become blurry because of his tears. He looks back up at Wilbur, he takes a long breath, and he did it. He stabbed him. Wilbur gasped, being stabbed right in the heart, falling backwards as Philza pulls out the now bloody diamond sword.

Smiling as he hits the ground, and someone manages to mutter a 'Thank you' before he dies.

He was dead.


Phil looks down at the now lifeless body on the hard stone flooring. It takes him a minute before he fully realized what just occurred. Standing there, looking down at Wilbur, as hot tears roll down his face, blurring his vision.


A small crow swoops down into the little cave he was in, dropping a dove feather into Phil's hands, then rests on his shoulder. Phil looks at the feather closely, and slowly bending down, laying the feather onto Wilbur's wound. A sign of respect. (it probably isn't but who tf cares, this is my story😼) He salutes him quietly as tears continue to poor down his face.
840 Words🕺

The end bitches👊 I hope you enjoyed, cuz I for sure didn't.

I'll keep you updated when I have to write more shit for literature.
Okay byeeeeee😍

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