Chapter 3

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Olympian Throne Room

Third POV

When Perseus left the throne room with Lord Chaos all fourteen Olympians just sat there in their thrones lost in their own thoughts, some disgraced with what their children did to their hero/best friend, some were wondering if Perseus will survive his time as Lord Chaos Successor?All of the Olympians thoughts were interrupted by Poseidon "brother we must tell Sally about what happened so she doesn't think that Hera stole her again." "Of course Poseidon you may leave council dismissed until further notice" with that all of the Olympians flashed out,some to their palaces,some to the mortal world *cough* Apollo and Hermes *cough*.

Poseidon POV

As I flashed to Sally's apartment I was kind of worried about how she will react now your probably wondering why me,one of the big three is worried about a mere may be a mortal but she is a very scary mortal I know from experience when I first met her... As I approached Sally's door I was hesitant to knock but I did anyway a few moments later I heard a shuffling sound from the other side then the door was flung open and I was greeted by Paul Blofis. When Paul saw me he knew exactly who I was and went to bow "no need to bow Paul being the father of Percy when I wasn't you don't need to bow to me" saying the name Percy brought pain to my heart 'those blasted campers,stupid Athena spawn,I was broke out of my thoughts when Paul asked "Lord Poseidon are you ok you had a angry expression on your face?" "Yes I am fine thank you may I please come in we have much to discuss" "Of course" as Paul opened the door I saw Sally sitting on the couch watching tv "hey Paul who was at-" she stopped as she saw me and froze on the spot "P-Poseidon w-what are y-you doing here?" she asked while turning red in the face."It involves Percy" I said wincing internally as I said his name again, Sally immediately went into mother mode "where is he?" "Is he okay?" "Yes Sally o-your son is safe" I had to refrain myself from saying our son "may we sit down so I can explain everything?" "Yes of course Poseidon, Paul can you make us some lemonade please?" "Of course Sally." when we sat down across from each other the tension was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife, minutes later Paul came in the living room and put the lemonade on the table "So what happened to Percy Poseidon?" And then it all came out from Zane's appearance at Camp Half-Blood to Percy leaving with Chaos to become his successor by the time I finished Sally was seething with anger "when I get my hands on those little pathetic campers they better pray to the gods that I do not kill them for what they did to my baby boy." See what I mean she may be a mortal but she is a scary mortal "when will he be back Poseidon?" "I do not know Chaos said that each of the Primordials have a successor and that none of the successors make it to the age of twenty which is when they will receive immortality because they always go on deadly missions and with Percy being Chaos Successor his missions will be even more deadlier than the others but we can only pray to Chaos that Perseus makes it to the age of twenty." we sat there in silence until a thought came to me "Sally how would you and Paul feel if you were made immortal not a full immortal but partial immortality like the Hunters of Artemis and since you are a mortal the monsters will just leave you and Paul alone. That way when Percy comes home" "you mean if he comes home?" Paul said. I gave him a small glare "no when he comes home you may have known Percy for two or three years, I may not have been able to be there for him but I have watched him and he always does the impossible such as defeating the Titan Lord Kronos, survived Tartarus, and brought Mother Earth herself down to her knees and now he became the Successor of Chaos Creator of the Universe. If anyone could survive till the age of twenty its him I know it." I stated giving him a small glare as if daring him to say Percy couldn't do it but he didn't he just nodded in acceptance.

"Yes" Sally stated confusing both me and Paul "what do you mean 'yes'?" Sally just rolled her eyes at our stupidity "I mean yes I will accept your gift to become partial immortal I want to be there whenever Perseus comes back I don't care how long it takes I will wait for him." Sally stated looking directly at Paul. Her and Paul having one of those conversations with their eyes then Paul spoke up "yes I will also accept your gift to become partial immortal Lord Poseidon."

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