Chapter 19

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Poseidon POV

As I watched Percy completely destroy eleven primordials and could make the mist fool even Chaos, I will admit that I am scared of my own son. I looked around and saw the Olympians and campers all looking nervous while the Rangers and Chaos looked excited, I saw the Ranger Anthony and the hunter Camille talking and were a little too close for Artemis's liking as I saw her glaring at Anthony. I just chuckled and walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder and in return I got a hunting knife to my throat "I don't think Percy will like this whenever he finds out." I said as I saw her eyes widen and she muttered sorry as I laughed then turned serious.

"Artemis, I have been watching some of your hunters and see that they are watching the Rangers. I know that you think that the Rangers are trying to lead them astray, but I can assure you that Percy would never teach anyone to do that and would probably kill them if they did that." I said as she nodded while smiling slightly till I continued "Some of your hunters were in love with these Rangers until they left them for immortality, but now that their seeing loved ones from the past those feelings are starting to return. Are you willing to let them go if they are in love, or are you going to try to convince your hunters that the Rangers are also bad people? They may seem bad but it's because of what they have seen and had to do as they lost one-hundred and twenty five of their brothers and sisters all because of one man who sees himself stronger than Chaos and his children. You have lost hunters from time to time but not losing forty to fifty of them at once like how Percy and the Rangers all did and lost multiple numbers at once." I said as she went to speak but couldn't as I continued.

"And before they severely hated you and the hunters and nearly killed you if Percy wasn't there to stop them nearly every time. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just trying to offer you advice as this is what I would do. Anthony and Camille over there are definitely in love but Anthony is scared to admit it as he is worried that she will reject him for her oath and I can tell that it is hurting him from the inside that he can't love her like how he did nearly three hundred years ago. Let's say they were both in love which they are just in public, if you did something to hurt both Anthony and Camille the Rangers and Perseus will hunt you down and kill you for doing what you did. You and I both know this."

"Be careful on how you make your decisions for the hunters that are in love vice versa with the Rangers and for the sake of yourself and everyone around you. We saw how they drove Theron into the ground by killing his friends and family leaving clear signals to who was doing the killings and by killing his youngest son drove Theron into the ground completely making him never show his face ever again." I said as she paled as she remember just how brutal Percy and the Rangers were to their victims.

"Remember, think before you act because if you just act then think later, you will pay the price severely as your hunters did when they insulted the successors as they severely wounded all of you and if you hurt any one of the Rangers, they will hit you back twice as hard and make sure you feel real pain." I said as I walked off leaving Artemis to her thoughts as I saw her looking at her hunters who were in love.

I was heading towards Anthony and Camille till a voice stopped me "What you said was true Lord Poseidon." a voice said as I turned around and saw forty six Rangers looking at me with glowing eyes beneath their hoods. "Rangers, what can I do for you?" I said slightly nervous as they looked at me then chuckled as one spoke up "While Artemis thinks that we are trying to lead her hunters astray, we would never even think of doing that as it would hurt us more than it hurts them." the Ranger said as they all nodded as I smiled "I was just telling her the truth as I don't want my niece to ask rash and get someone killed." I said as they chuckled until the stiffened up and got their bows and hunting knifes out as everyone looked at them. "What is it?" Chaos asked with excitement in his voice as Anthony stood up and was taking deep breaths as were the Rangers as we looked at them confused until their eyes lit up and smiles were visible on their faces.

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