Chapter 10

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Vivian POV

We all got confused, 'why would the council want to see Percy', he must have noticed our confused looks because he rephrased it. "The Council wishes to speak with the successors and you milord. Said something about a extended vacation or something like that." Percy nodded and sent him on his way, then he turned back to us with his ever changing eyes. "Come on I'll explain to you why I chose the job that Chaos gave to me." With that we headed towards the throne room and he started explaining why he chose this life of an assassin. "I chose this job to take care of the universe's most corrupted people, as you know, but I also chose this job to keep kids safe like Katrina." He said as he gestured with his head towards the sleeping girl in his arms, we all got confused until he spoke "I may be a very famous person but as a child I was not very lucky." he said this as he looked at Rosa and Kayla, they both nodded their heads sadly, I got confused by this till he spoke "When Rosa and Kayla looked into my memories they saw all of my memories. From the day I was born to the day I left Earth, I had a very abusive stepfather and kids who bullied me from the 1st grade all the way to the 6th grade. I'm surprised I didn't commit suicide but I couldn't leave my mom heartbroken like that so I dealt with it. Then when I was thrown into a whole new world I thought that I could finally find friends and family and I did. But I traded my old life for a more messed up life but I dealt with it and things got better than the wars happened and death and then I was blamed for their deaths and all the chaos, and I believed them because if I wasn't born then nothing would have happened." he said as he glanced at the words MURDERUR carved in his skin.

"That's why I took this job, so kids like Katrina won't have to see any war or bloodshed or be robbed of something at a age so young." He said as his face turned into a look of disgust "That's why I take the pleasure of killing people like Victor very slowly, so they can feel all the pain that they caused to people." with that he opened the throne room doors and we headed to our thrones that are below the Primordials throne. They are like the Primordials throne just a little bit smaller and radiated less power but Percy's and Chaos both radiate the same amount of power making me feel like a ant beneath a boot.

"As you know you were called for your 273rd year anniversary as a successor correct?" We all nodded "The Council has decided instead of giving you six months of free time you will get a whole year and we already decided on where you will all go since it will benefit all of you." he said while looking directly at Percy when he said this 'I hope he's not going to say what I think he's going to say or else we're all going to blow up' "Where's it going to be at Chaos?" Asked Percy. Chaos took a deep breath and said what I hoped he would not say.


Everyone's eyes went wide and everybody in the throne room looked at Percy fearfully Percy sat there for a little not getting the point till his eyes finally went wide and he understood then he exploded, "WHAT! I WILL NOT HEAD BACK THERE" "You are holding grudges against the gods and campers that are new there plus there will be a surprise for you there if you head there." "What kind of surprise?" Percy asked warily "You're going to have to head back there to find out. Plus the rest of the successors have never been to Earth you could show them around." "Ok Chaos I'll do it, you're right I can't be a good king if I let past grudges hold me back." Chaos smiled "Don't worry when you get to Earth head to your parent's house, you're surprise will be there." Percy looked confused but nodded none the less and created a portal to Earth as we all hopped off our thrones and stood in single file behind Percy. "Oh wear your cloaks to cover up your heads" we all nodded and put up our hoods and walked through the portal. "Plus here is a little gift that could be helpful." We all got hit by a small beam till we heard Rayner's voice in our head "Was that it?" we all looked at him in shock till Chaos spoke "You can all talk to each other through your minds." We all thanked him and headed through the portal.

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