Chapter one

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Ezra was in a room with dark red velvet hanging on the walls and the bed was a king-sized one with a flora red pattern. He looked around the room until he noticed Amara sitting at a mirror with a smile appearing on her face as she got up from the chair. Ezra couldn't keep from staring at her, Amara made her way over to the bed and sat down patting the side next to her sexually. Ezra found himself walking toward her as Amara pulled her feet onto the bed, the young Winchester climbed onto the bed with her and the two started to lean in.

"You're mine, Ezra." Amara said. Ezra bolted awake in a cold sweat, his heart pounded in his chest like it was going to come out. That dream continued to haunt him every night, and every night it was always the same thing. It was like he was on a leash and wrapped around Amara's finger. The thought about them being one was torturous to think about and he really did not want to think about it or even remotely talk to his parents. If his father knew what was going on, guarantee he would have Ezra's head, or worse, he'd try to give himself up to Amara to save Ezra's sorry ass.

"This is starting to get annoying." Ezra said.


The next day, Ezra was having a hard time trying to get some studying done and constantly found himself dozing off on one of the books. He was in the bunker with his mother and father while his aunt, uncle, and cousins were out shopping so he was stuck studying. Every single time he looked at the book in front of him, the first thing that popped up was Amara's name. He blinked a few times before the name vanished. Dean and Shela were in the kitchen when Dean noticed how exhausted his son was.

"Ezra?" Dean asked. "Are you okay?"

"Huh oh yeah totally," Ezra responded and yawned soon after. "Ignore that I'm fine." Shela crossed her arms and looked over at Ezra.

"You don't look fine, have you been getting some sleep?" Shela asked, approaching her son and moving some of his brown hair out of his eyes.

"Mom stop, I'm not a kid anymore and I'm not tired." Ezra lied, he almost ate his own words since he yawned a second time.

"Son, you've been tired for the past four days, tell me you aren't up all night drawing," Dean said. "Not that I'm unhappy with you doing that, but you need sleep otherwise you won't be aware of your surroundings when you're on a hunt and the enemy will take you down." Ezra didn't want to admit that he wasn't sleeping or that he was dreaming about Amara.

"I assure you I'm as fresh as a daisy." Ezra answered. He stood but practically fell back onto the couch due to how exhausted he was.

"That's it, go to your room Ezra," Shela said. "Get some sleep. I don't want you to overwork yourself, the last thing we need is for you to end up in the hospital." Before Ezra could answer the door opened and Sam, Kristina, and Mary came walking down the stairs.

"Hey guys," Mary waved and blinked at Ezra's current state. "Are you okay E?"

"I'm fine!" Ezra exclaimed. "The last person who asks if I'm okay will get punched!" Slamming his book closed, Ezra made his way to his room and slammed the door shut, sending a huge echo throughout the bunker. When he sat down, he tried to steady his breathing but in the process, a breeze blew past him and a voice echoed.

I told you that you can't escape me Ezra. Ezra looked over and saw Amara standing by the door. His eyes widened wondering how Amara was able to get into the bunker without his family noticing. I'm not really here, I'm astral projecting, I've warned you that we are bound together. No matter what you do whether it's staying up late or ignoring me I will still get through to you.

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