3. In My Life

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 "SO YOU REALLY are a wizard?"

"What? No, Steven, I've said this repeatedly, I'm a Master of the Mystic Arts."

When Juno had arrived at the sanctum with Steven, she would describe it as a child being in a candy store for the first time. He wanted to try out everything, read everything, and run up and down the staircase thousands of times. Yet, no matter how many times Juno explained it to him, he still thought she was a wizard.

Steven, now sitting in one of the reading chairs, requested, "Would you be so kind as to demonstrate what you are capable of?" Juno narrowed her eyes at him, but complied. She slipped on her sling ring and moved her hands gracefully, creating a circular portal. Steven gasped, leaving his seat to move closer to the portal. When he looked into it, he could see the bustling streets of New York City. "Woah... Can I go through?"

"You could, but I'd advise against it as a man walking into the streets out of nowhere might frighten a few people," Juno said.

"Excellent point," Steve muttered. He watched with great captivation as the portal flickered closed. "Are aliens real?"

"Um, yeah."

"No way! Have you been to space?"

"Yeah, I went to space with my friend, Stephen, Tony Stark and..." Juno drifted off, the scar on her arm burning as she spoke. She could've sworn she went with someone else, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember who. "Also, I met the Guardians of the Galaxy. I met Star-King. No, Star-God. Ah, wait, Star-Lord! That's the name."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

Juno played with her hands, refusing to meet his gaze. "I didn't want you to think I was weird because of what I do. I thought you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore," she admitted.

"Juno, I do think you're weird." Steven grinned. "But it's a wonderful kind of weird, and this part of you, this wizarding job, just makes you even more lovely to me."

"Oh." Juno's face grew pink. "Thanks, I guess."

"Is there anything else I should know? Are you just going to randomly start casting spells from now on?"

The woman gulped. Should she tell Steven about her run in with the guy from the museum? She didn't want to scare Steven, but she thought it'd be for the best.

"Something happened last night," Juno blurted out, cursing herself for being so blunt. "There was this guy, at the museum, last night, he was wearing this weird- Weird, toilet paper armour and he killed this- This creature...?"

"You were there last night?" cried Steven, eyes wide.

"You were there last night?" Juno repeated, her voice raising slightly.

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