4. Dizzy Miss Lizzy

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 IF SHE WAS being honest, Juno couldn't believe it had taken this long for Steven to get arrested. He blatantly jaywalks in broad daylight! It's like he's asking to be arrested and charged with a fine.

As soon as Juno got the text from Steven, she sprang into action. She put on her sorcerer outfit, grabbed her sling ring, made sure she had a knife handy (you never know), and set off to find Steven. She was able to pinpoint his location within a few minutes. So, Juno quickly opened a portal and set off to rescue her best friend.

Steven was sat in the car, panicking his ass off, when he saw the familiar glow of one of Juno's portals. 

"Oh, thank heavens," he murmured.

"Good thing your girlfriend is here to save your ass. Again," Marc said pointedly through the mirror.

Steven pointed his finger at his reflection. "Shut up."

Marc blinked. "He said 'shut up' to me," he repeated in disbelief. 

"Besides, I heard that she insulted your armour and made you clean up the body of the jackal you killed." Steven smiled.

"She caught me in a moment of weakness!" argued Marc, crossing his arms over his chest like a child.

"Or, did Juno Barlowe, get the best of old Marc Spector, the fearless mercenary that strikes heart into all the criminals he delivers justice to?"

Marc scoffed, but didn't reply. "Fuck off, Steven. Just get us out of here, alright?"

"Fine, fine. Don't get your armour in a twist." Steven leaned up against the window and locked eyes with Juno, trying to gesture for her to unlock the car. However, before she could come out of the shadows she was hiding in, the door was opened, prompting Steven to let out a shocked noise as his body fell onto the concrete below. A cane thumped near his head. "Oh, God."

"I'm sorry for the wait," Arthur Harrow said. "We just need a chance to better understand your situation." He turned to one of Ammit's followers. "Do you have the keys?" The keys of Steven's handcuffs were placed into Arthur's hands. "Let's get you out of those cuffs. There you go. Thank you both." Steven pushed himself off the ground, sending a panicked look to Juno as he did. "Aren't they terrific?"

"Yeah, they're lovely," replied Steven.

"Well, no wonder your scales don't balance." scoffed Arthur. "It must be difficult having all those voices inside one head." He placed a hand on Steven's shoulder. "Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Khonshu. I'm curious, do you think that Khonshu chose you as his Avatar because your mind would be so easy to break or because it was broken already?"

"No, I'm not broken," protested Steven. "Just need some help, maybe."

"That's right," Arthur agreed. "That's why I'm here, to help." Steven's eyes suddenly grew by a scale of ten. "Okay, what is it? Do you see him? You see him right now? That's a privilege I no longer have."

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