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STEVEN GRANT DIDN'T consider himself a lucky man. Sure, he rarely got sick, so I guess you could say that he was 'lucky' healthwise. He considered himself fortunate to have his job at the museum back after he got fired, but still, he wasn't lucky. If he was lucky, then he'd be a tour guide, not stuck working in the stupid gift shop with Donna.

But right now, Steven felt like the luckiest man to ever roam the earth. He felt that no one could ever be as blessed as he was currently. He had finally gotten the girl, the girl of his dreams, no less. He had kissed Juno Barlowe, his best friend (or was she his girlfriend now?) and he felt like nothing could bring him down from this high.

When Steven awoke, he blindly reached over to the other side of the bed, his first instinct being to wrap his arms around the girl he had been pining for since the day they had first met in that coffee shop. Steven became more awake when his hand didn't come in contact with any person and instead felt the cold sheets that Juno had been on just a few hours prior.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Steven sat up, looking around his apartment for any sign of her, but noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

"If you want to find her, perhaps you should try getting out of bed and looking for her," Marc suggested.

Steven groaned, falling back into bed at the sound of the voice in his head. "Wow, I never thought of that," he replied sarcastically, tugging at his messy curls. "Thank you."

"Steven?" a gentle voice floated through his apartment. The man in question looked up, and in that moment, his lips parted and his heart began to race. There, in the space that connected the kitchen and his room, stood Juno, wearing one of his shirts and nothing else. He shamelessly let his eyes wander to gaze at her legs, then shifted so he was staring at her face once again. Steven couldn't help but smirk slightly at her flustered state. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No, thank you, my love," he replied. "Come here."

She squinted at his request, but ultimately complied. When she had made it close enough to the bed, Steven reached out, wrapped his arms around Juno's waist, and pulled her down to the bed, causing loud laughs to spill from her mouth.

"What are you doing?" wondered Juno, but ultimately sighing in content when he began trailing small kisses along the skin where her shoulder and neck met.

"Wondering how on Earth I got so lucky to be where I am right now," he mumbled.

"You are so cheesy, Steven Grant."

"Only for you, dear, only for you."

Juno shifted in his arms so that they were now facing each other. She began messing with Steven's curls, enjoying how soft they were against her calloused fingertips. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

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