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" alright, are we ready?" Thor asked
Sigyn was next to Loki with their fingers interlaced .
" Yes "
Heimdall did his job and sent the tree gods and goddess to Midgard .

In Asgard
Some hours had passed since the punishment situation .
" I think I should see how Sigyn is , she was devastated " frigga said " dear you know how they are when they're separated, that's torture "
" exactly that's why it was his punishment"
" for both of them , what did Sigyn do wrong?" Frigga said and then leaving the room , letting Odin alone with his thoughts.

Frigga went to Sigyn's chamber and knocked, but nothing, so she knocked again thinking she could be resting or even fell asleep , but she would listen the knocking ....
She was starting to get worried.
She asked a maid if she could unlock her door .

The maid unlocked it and Frigga walked inside and no one was there , she went to the bathroom nothing, that's weird .
After that she sent guards and soldiers to search for her around this realm .

But after days , they came with empty news , she simply vanished from Asgard .
Frigga started to get nervous , Sigyn was like her golden girl ,  Odin found her in other realm ,Alfheim , the house of the light elves , that is next to Asgard , the light elves are beautiful creatures, they are considered the "guardian angels ",  the light elves are minor gods of nature and fertility, they can help midgardians  with their knowledge of magic powers  , and they are also known for inspiring in art and music , they are a walking inspiration.

And her story looked like Loki's , she was an orphan, and since she was born in Alfheim, she was a beautiful light elf , and like Loki they aren't asgardians , Loki's a frost giant , with a given asgardian appearance by Frigga's magic , and same with Sigyn, but with being an elf , the only thing she had different of asgardians was The pointy ears nothing more.
She was the goddess of fidelity, and her name means " victory " .

( she was something near this , it's something I idealised , but you can idealise her whatever you want , be free to change her body shape or her hair length, color or even her skin tone , do whatever you want 😉, K bye

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( she was something near this , it's something I idealised , but you can idealise her whatever you want , be free to change her body shape or her hair length, color or even her skin tone , do whatever you want 😉, K bye .)

Odin brought her to the castle but Odin didn't want more children specially being a girl so Frigga took care of her , but because of Odin never like a mother , that's why when she and Loki started to date frigga bursted in happiness, she really loved her as her child , she wanted a girl , after two boys , but Odin never allowed her to announce Sigyn as their child , always the poor girl that odin found , and brought home to take care of her .
Later on they found her abilities, then , when she was growing like she did with Loki , she did with Sigyn, that was teaching both magic .

So Frigga not knowing where she is the total panic .
Even Loki's punishment is torture for her imagine not knowing where Sigyn is ...

She ran to where Odin was
" the guards will find her " he said
" they just arrived with zero news about her " Frigga worries said " what if she's lost ?what if she's hurt? Of what if someone wants to hurt her ? Is she ok ? I don't know !"
" Frigg my love , relax she knows how to fight and protect herself , she's a grown up woman, she's a goddess she's strong even though she has this fragile appearance, she will return home " Odin comforters his spouse. "And the guards will search realm by realm "

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