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It's been two weeks already , an lokis still caged , but not sigyn, she got out, I mean she was forced to come out of the cell a week earlier.
Loki and sigyn has been together on a cell , they chatted and he reads for her they seemed happy , Loki seemed calm , and loving something that's it's rare for other people to see , the avengers were shocked for seeing how vulnerable Loki was with sigyn , he put all his guard down just for her .

But they need her , and they knew she acted the way she did because if Tony's getting on her nerves and also her desire to stay close to Loki .

" sigyn , you're free , let's go " Steve says
" what no absolutely no "
" wow you're the first person that I met that insisted to stay in a cell " he says
"C'mon do this on the easy way " Steve says by sigyn didn't moved
So Steve sent the guards grab her and forcing her to get out .
" NO LOKIII " they grabbed her arms and pushed her out of the door
" DONT YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER LIKE THAT" Loki said to the guards and grabbed one of them by his throat lifting him up to his eye level .
"If you or your stupid friend touch her again I'll kill you with my bare hands " Loki says really slow and intimidating
The guard was starting to stay purple because he couldn't breathe
" Loki let the guard go !" Steve says
Loki looked at Steve and smirked applying more strength to the guard neck
" LOKI , sigyn do something " Steve said
" he will kill an innocent man for no reason "
She lifted her eyebrow and said " I'm no reason ? The brutality of those man is not an enough reason ? " she said
He sighed , giving up and entered in the cell , making Loki look at him and smirk even more .

" look the mighty captain America such an honour to have you here in my cell " he says sarcastically
" let the man down , Loki "
" or what ? Captain?" He said mocking him
" we cage sigyn anywhere away from you " that caught both attentions
" excuse me ? " sigyn said
Loki drop the man , which was coughing hard now
" try it and you will see what will happen" Loki says coming in Steve direction.
Steve grab his shield just for caution, but Loki just stops in front of him looking at his eyes
" I'm going to repeat myself over and over again if necessary if happened anything bad to sigyn , I swear I will kill all of you" Loki said that with all of his hate , that made Steve shiver , he was believing Loki which he did well .
" relax Loki nothing bad will happen to her " Steve says calmly and exiting the cell letting Loki and his melancholy alone in the cell .
Steve and the other guard that was ok , lead sigyn to the training room while the other guard went straight to me Medway.

They made her sit in the bench
" look we need your help ok , Thor said that you're powerful and we could see when you destroyed Tony's armour, so I want you to show us your abilities " Steve said

She sighed and started to tell him all the power that she had out of her endless list of powers , and demonstrating some of them .

Steve and now Natasha were surprised at her abilities
" you're going to be useful in missions and a very addition to the team " Steve says
" ok " I said
" ok?" Natasha questions
" ok , yes only if you free Loki " she says
Steve let his head fall with a " here we go again "look
" look I'll give you time for you to think , you're of your answer is no then so is mine " She says heading to her room
" why she insists that much on him ?!" Natasha asked
" that's a good question tho , they look like they have a magnet or something I don't know " Steve says

Now a month has passed and nothing no deal Loki still on the cell and sigyn on her room practicing her new abilities that one of them consisted on one determined tune that if she sings it , her hair will light up and heal ( yes I did inspired myself on tangled ) and she nailed it , it worked .
It was a tune that only Loki and Frigga knew it was her lullaby that Frigga used to sing to her .
She heard a knock on the door what made her jump.

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