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" Loki .... I'm not feeling good about this .... I have a weird felling .... my guts tell me that this will not end well " Sigyn nervously says
" oh love probably you are just nervous you're powerful as fuck honey " Loki says stroking her cheek
" yeah but I should trust my guts .... instead of my nerves.... I don't know if I should do this "
" yes we should , and we will , ok I almost got an entire city kneeling before me , and you think that you won't be able to stole some plastic thing with information " Loki tries to comfort her " you are powerful extremely powerful if you need to kill for your own defence you will , or better I WILL" Loki said kissing her

She smiled at him , but deep down she was a nerve wreck , she knew something bad will happen.

They entered the museum, it was huge , sigyn was amazed by the midgardian art , al the colors all the expression , she loved it .
" look Loki it's beautiful " she says looking like a child
" it is indeed " he says smiling down at her

They walked and spotted a space where people made a dance floor of it .
Close to it there were a bar
" darling do accept my invite to dance ?" Loki said sticking his hand for her to take
" of course " she said .
The song was slow really slow , so all the couples where dancing close to each other.
" let's see if we can spot this man " sigyn whispered to Loki " Loki can you turn so that I can see if he's in the bar ?"
" of course darling " he whispered back

" there's a ugly huge old man , that looks like he's pregnant with twins " she says , making Loki laughing
" oh my lord dear " Loki says laughing
" does he has greasy hair? "Loki asks
" yes he does , turn for you to see "
Now was Loki's turn to confirm if that was the man
" yes it's him , stark said that he was dangerous " Loki said
" so am I " sigyn says
" but be careful " Loki said kissing her cheek , so that it wouldn't be suspicious
" I will " she smiled

The song ended and she went directly to the bar stool next to the man .
She was about to ask something that she didn't know because she never drink midgardian alcoholic drinks , when the man offered one
" hello dear " the man started " I couldn't take my eyes of you while you were dancing with the young gentleman " he says
'Young ? Loki ? Ha let me laugh he has more than 1500 years , yeah totally young' sigyn thought
She simply smiled with her perfect white teeth
" you're such a beautiful young lady" he says
' yeah young , I'm so young with more than 1500 years as well, I'm the definition of youth ' she thinks again
" thank you " she answered faking the sweetness in her voice
" can I pay you a drink , young lady " he says grabbing her hand and kissing it
Her breathing increased, but she couldn't blow her cover

Loki was watching it all from afar , he was doing such an effort to not stab the man there , his jaw was clenched , when he saw the man touching her and kissing her skin , he was fuming , but again he could not blow his cover .

" of course, thank you " sigyn said , deep down she was disgusted, but she had to control herself.

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